Endodontics 2020 v10n3 - DentalGO

Endodontia do futuro

Autores: Carlos Estrela, Lucas R. A. Estrela,

Entrevista com Leonardo Rigoldi Bonjardim

Autores: Murilo Priori Alcalde,

Reimplante intencional: que procedimento é esse que pode salvar dentes? Dois relatos de caso em longo prazo

Autores: Simony H. Hamoy KATAOKA, Eudes GONDIM JR,

Aplicação de um novo software de TCFC com filtros específicos para redução de artefatos: série de casos

Autores: Carlos Estrela, Mike R. Bueno, Bruno C. Azevedo, Anibal Diogenes,

Eficácia da barreira intracanal contra a infiltração microbiana em dentes preparados para pino intrarradicular

Autores: Eduardo Nunes, Frank Ferreira Silveira, Adalberto Ramos Vieira, Rodrigo Rodrigues Amaral, Rafaela Reis Da Silva, Daniel Guião Fernandes, Maria Eugênia Alvarez Leite, Maria Lima De Souza Côrtes,

Estudo in vitro da ação antimicrobiana de medicações intracanal experimentais sobre biofilmes de Enterococcus faecalis

Autores: Graziela Garrido Mori, Nathália Evelyn Da Silva Machado, Lorena Oliveira Mendes, Paulo Roberto Goldoni,

Remoção de obturações endodônticas de Endosequence BC/CPoint em canais radiculares curvos usando instrumentos rotatórios ou reciprocantes

Autores: Fernando Branco Barletta, Laila Gonzales Freire, Renata Grazziotin Soares, Giulio Gavini, Raquel Farias, Elaine Faga Iglecias, Diego Machado Ardenghi, Fabiana Grecca,

Prevalência de dor odontogênica em um serviço de pronto-atendimento odontológico público do Sul do Brasil

Autores: João Paulo De Carli, Diego Jose Gambin, Valeria Dalabilia, Fabiane Zanette,

Padronização do modelo experimental da insuficiência renal aguda para estudo bidirecional com a periodontite apical

Autores: Luciano Tavares ângelo Cintra, Gustavo Sivieri Araujo, Carolina De Barros Morais Cardoso, Letícia Citelli Conti,

Eficácia de três protocolos de irrigação final para remoção de raspas dentinárias e material obturador em irregularidades simuladas

Autores: Marcus Vinícius Reis Só, Angela Longo Do Nascimento, Aline Teixeira Mendes, Lilian Tietz, Paula Barcellos Silva, Pedro Henrique Marks Duarte, Ricardo Abreu Da Rosa, Natália Villa,

Influência do tipo de cimento endodôntico na adesão de pinos de fibra de vidro: revisão de literatura

Autores: Emmanuel João Nogueira Leal Silva, Maria José Mayara De Oliveira Soares, Nádia De Souza Ferreira,

Tratamento endodôntico de segundo molar inferior com presença de canal mesiomediano: relato de caso

Autores: Eduardo Nunes, Rodrigo Rodrigues Amaral, Victor Couto Figueiredo, Maria Ilma De Souza Côrtes,

Descoloração da coroa após obturação endodôntica com diferentes cimentos: estudo clínico

Autores: Flares Baratto Filho, Luciana Stadler Demenech, Jéssica Vavassori De Freitas, Carla Castiglia Gonzaga, Denise Piotto Leonardi, Flávia Sens Fagundes Tomazinho, Marilisa Carneiro Leão Gabardo,

Endodontics of the future

In the last 50 years of endodontics life, significant changes occurred towardshealth promotion for patients, with elimination of infections, and at the same time,maintaining teeth in the oral cavity. This fact represents an important judgment withinthe analysis of factors for the evolution of a...

Autores: Carlos Estrela, Lucas R. A. Estrela,


An interview with Leonardo Rigoldi Bonjardim

What led you to doing your Master’s Degreein Oral Physiology, and more specifically, specializingin the area of TMD and Orofacial Pain?In December 1997, after concluding my graduation inDentistry, still a little “lost” and insecure with regard tomy professional future, one of my mother’s...

Autores: Murilo Priori Alcalde, Leonardo Rigoldi Bonjardim,


Intentional replantation: What kind of approach is this that can save teeth? Two long term case reports

Introduction: The maintenance of natural dentition ispreferable in most of cases. However, nowadays it ispossible to use dental implants in cases where prognosisis very limited. Endodontics and all of its therapeutic modalitiesplay an important role, which has, in principle, toprevent or...

Autores: Simony H. Hamoy KATAOKA, Eudes GONDIM JR,

messages.RevistaAutores: Endodontics, Bioceramics, Intentional replantation, Apical surgery,

Application of a new CBCT software with specific filters for blooming artifact reduction: case series

Introduction: Root canal fillings and intraradicular postsoften create white contrast artifacts and possible volumetricchanges on CBCT scans known as blooming artifacts.These alterations could lead to the incorrect interpretationsreducing the diagnostic of an acquired CBCT volume,particularly when...

Autores: Carlos Estrela, Mike R. Bueno, Bruno C. Azevedo, Anibal Diogenes,

messages.RevistaAutores: software, cone-beam computed tomography, Diagnosis, Root canal treatment, Artifacts,

Efficacy of intracanal barrier against microbial infiltration in teeth prepared for intraradicular post

Introduction: Intraradicular posts are recommended toimprove the retention of artificial crowns and to distributeintraoral forces along the root. If the space created bypartially removing the obturation is not adequately filled,it can lead to a massive infiltration of microorganismsfrom the oral...

Autores: Eduardo Nunes, Frank Ferreira Silveira, Adalberto Ramos Vieira, Rodrigo Rodrigues Amaral, Rafaela Reis Da Silva, Daniel Guião Fernandes, Maria Eugênia Alvarez Leite, Maria Ilma De Souza Côrtes, Maria Isabel de Oliveira e Brito Villalobos,

messages.RevistaAutores: Enterococcus Faecalis, Dental pins, Endodontics,

In vitro study of the antimicrobial action of experimental intracanal medications on Enterococcus faecalis biofilm

Background: The elimination of Enterococcus faecalisof the root canals is fundamental for endodontic success,since these microorganisms are difficult to killed, especiallywhen organized in biofilms. The search for drugsor their combinations that can eliminate these microorganismsis one of the...

Autores: Graziela Garrido Mori, Lorena Oliveira Mendes, Paulo Roberto Goldoni, Nathália Evelyn Machado,

messages.RevistaAutores: Minocycline, Metronidazole, Doxycycline, Chlorhexidine, Biofilms,

Removal of Endosequence BC/CPoint endodontic fillings in curved root canals using rotary or reciprocating instruments

Objective: This study used micro-CT to evaluate theamount of remaining filling material in curved root canalsobturated with Endosequence BC Sealer/Cpoint orAH/gutta-percha after a rotary or reciprocating retreatment.Methods: Sixty mesiobuccal canals of maxillarymolars were instrumented up to...

Autores: Fernando Branco Barletta, Laila Gonzales Freire, Giulio Gavini, Raquel Farias, Elaine Faga Iglecias, Diego Machado Ardenghi, Fabiana Grecca, Renata Grazziotin-Soares,

messages.RevistaAutores: Dental Instruments, X-Ray Microtomography, Root Canal Filling Materials, Root Canal Therapy,

Prevalence of odontogenic pain in a public dental urgency service in Southern Brazil

Objective: To identify the main causes of odontogenicpain that lead to people search for care in the UrgencyService of the School of Dentistry of University, PassoFundo/RS/Brazil (SPAOH), localized in the Hospital SãoVicente de Paulo. Methodology: A cross-sectional andretrospective study,...

Autores: João Paulo De Carli, Diego Jose Gambin, Valeria Dalabilia, Fabiane Zanette,

messages.RevistaAutores: Pulp pain, Dental pain, Urgency, Causalgia, Antibiotic,

Standardization of the experimental model of acute renal failure for bidirectional study with an apical periodontitis

Introduction: Acute Renal Failure (ARF) occurs in about5% of hospitalizations and up to 30% of ICU admissions,with mortality rates between 15% and 60%. The objectiveof this study was to analyze different protocols forthe induction of IRA in an animal model, seeking thestandardization of the...

Autores: Luciano Tavares ângelo Cintra, Gustavo Sivieri Araujo, Carolina De Barros Morais Cardoso, Letícia Citelli Conti,

messages.RevistaAutores: Kidney Diseases, Periapical Periodontitis, Acute Kidney Injury,

Effectiveness of three final irrigation protocols for debris and filling removal from simulated irregularities

This study aimed to assess three final irrigation protocolson debris and filling removal from simulated irregularities.Methods: Seventy-eight mandibular premolarswere prepared with WaveOne Gold system 45.05, splittedlongitudinally, and a standardized groove was performedin the apical portion of...

Autores: Marcus Vinícius Reis Só, Angela Longo Do Nascimento, Aline Teixeira Mendes, Lilian Tietz, Paula Barcellos Silva, Pedro Henrique Marks Duarte, Ricardo Abreu Da Rosa, Natália Villa,

messages.RevistaAutores: Endodontics, Root Canal Filling Materials, Microscopy, Electron,

Influence of the type of endodontic sealer on glass fiber post adhesion: literature review

Introduction: Glass fiber posts are widely used whenendodontically treated teeth present great structural lossand require support for coronal reconstruction. Completeadhesion of the post to the root canal wall is fundamentalfor the success of this restoration. Endodontic sealerresidues that...

Autores: Emmanuel João Nogueira Leal Silva, Maria José Mayara De Oliveira Soares, Nádia De Souza Ferreira,

messages.RevistaAutores: Dental cements, Root canal obturation, Post and core technique,

Endodontic treatment of second mandibular molar with presence of middle mesial canal: case report

Introduction: Identification of possible anatomical variationsis crucial for the correct diagnosis and planning ofendodontic therapy. Objective: To report the endodontictreatment of tooth #37, in which a third canal was locatedin the mesial root (middle mesial canal - MMC).Methods: Tooth #37 was...

Autores: Eduardo Nunes, Rodrigo Rodrigues Amaral, Victor Couto Figueiredo, Maria Ilma De Souza Côrtes,

messages.RevistaAutores: molar, Anatomy, cone-beam computed tomography, Endodontics, Microscopy,

Crown discoloration after endodontic obturation with different cements: a clinical study

Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate thecrown discoloration after root canal filling with differentendodontic cements clinically. Methods: Thirty-two teethwere endodontically treated and filled with AH Plus (AHP),Endofill (END), MTA Fillapex (MTA), or Sealer 26 (SEA),divided into...

Autores: Flares Baratto Filho, Luciana Stadler Demenech, Jéssica Vavassori De Freitas, Carla Castiglia Gonzaga, Denise Piotto Leonardi, Flávia Sens Fagundes Tomazinho, Marilisa Carneiro Leão Gabardo,

messages.RevistaAutores: Tooth Discoloration, Root Canal Filling Materials, Spectrophotometry,

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