Journal 2020 v25n4 - DentalGO
Journal 2020 v25n4

Por que a tomada de decisão clínica nem sempre é eficaz?

Autores: Flavia Artese,


Autores: Matheus Melo Pithon,

Reabsorções dentárias irrelevantes após o tratamento de mordida aberta anterior usando ancoragem esquelética ampliada

Autores: Alberto Consolaro, Ertty Silva, Mauricio De Almeida Cardoso, Fernanda Meloti, An Tien Li, Genivaldo Dos Santos, Monikelly Do Carmo Chagas Nascimento,

Comprimento radicular de incisivos em indivíduos com e sem mordida aberta anterior: estudo comparativo utilizando TCFC

Autores: Guillerme Janson, Luis Ernesto Arriola-Guillén, Ivy Samantha Valera-Montoya, Yalil Augusto Rodríguez-Cárdenas, Gustavo Armando Ruíz-Mora, Aron Aliaga-Del Castillo,

Alterações cefalométricas e oclusais da má oclusão de Classe III tratada com ou sem extrações

Autores: Guilherme Janson, Roberto Bombonatti, Daniela Garib, Juliana Fraga Soares Bombonatti, Bryan Tompson, Aron Aliaga-Del Castillo,

Uso de alinhadores transparentes no tratamento precoce da mordida cruzada anterior: série de casos

Autores: Edoardo Staderini, Romeo Patini, Simonetta Meuli, Andrea Camodeca, Federica Guglielmi, Patrizia Gallenzi,

Tensões de von Mises em arcos Mushroom para a retração de incisivos: um estudo numérico

Autores: Marcio Rodrigues de Almeida, Ravindra Nanda, Marcelo Do Amaral Ferreira, Paulo César Borges, Marco Antônio Luersen, Fábio Rodrigo Mandello Rodrigues,

Influência do nanorrevestimento de óxido de zinco sobre as características e propriedades antibacterianas de arcos de NiTi

Autores: Shaza M. Hammad, Marwa Sameh Shamaa, Noha A. El Wassefy, Ahmed Fathy, Noha A. El-Wassefy,

Efeito de tratamentos de superfície nas propriedades adesivas de braquetes metálicos ao esmalte fluorótico

Autores: Matheus Coelho Bandeca, Mariana Huilcapi, Andres Felipe Millan Cardenas, Lucila Cristina Rodrigues Araujo, Jessica Bedoya Ocampo, Fabiana Suelen Figuerêdo De Siqueira, Alessandro Loguercio, Ana Armas-Vega,

Habilidade dos ortodontistas e cirurgiões bucomaxilofaciais em predizer a erupção espontânea de terceiros molares inferiores por meio de radiografias panorâmicas seriadas

Autores: David Normando, Leandro Silva Marques, Mylena Ranieri Libdy, Nicole Melres Rabello,

Tratamento de paciente adulta com fenótipo hiperdi- vergente retrognata e mordida aberta anterior: relato de caso com abordagem ortodôntica não cirúrgica

Autores: Marinho Del Santo Jr,

Fechamento de espaços com alinhadores

Autores: Ricardo Martins Machado,

Why is clinical decision making not always efficient?

Herbert Simon, an American social scientist, described, in 1947, in his book ‘Administrative Behavior’, the theory of decision-making. The main purpose of his work was to understand the cognitive and behavioral mechanisms that human beings use to make choices. Briefly, what Simon explains is...

Autores: Flavia Artese,


orthodontics highlights

The year 2020 will be marked in History by the coronavirus pandemic, which completely changed the lives of everyone on Earth. As we all know, the disease is highly contagious, transmitted by asymptomatic carriers via aerosol and droplets. The practice of social detachment, keeping a distance of 1...

Autores: Matheus Melo Pithon,


Negligible tooth resorptions after anterior open bite treatment using skeletal anchorage with miniplates

Introduction: When miniplates are used as anchoring for orthodontic mechanics for anterior open bite correction by retraction of anterior teeth and posterior teeth intrusion and retraction, orthodontically induced inflammatory external apical root resorption is clinically negligible. Methods: A...

Autores: Alberto Consolaro, Ertty Silva, Mauricio De Almeida Cardoso, Fernanda Meloti, An Tien Li, Genivaldo Dos Santos, Monikelly Do Carmo Chagas Nascimento,

messages.RevistaAutores: Tooth resorption, Anterior open bite, Intrusion,

Incisor root length in individuals with and without anterior open bite: a comparative CBCT study

Objective: This study aimed to compare the root length of maxillary and mandibular incisors between individuals with open bite versus matched individuals with adequate overbite. Methods: This comparative, matched and retrospective study included 48 cone beam computed tomographies (CBCTs)...

Autores: Yalil Augusto Rodriguez Cardenas, Luis Ernesto Arriola Guillen, Ivy Samantha Valera Montoya, Gustavo Armando Ruíz Mora, Guillerme Janson, Aron Aliaga-Del Castillo,

messages.RevistaAutores: Open bite, cone-beam computed tomography, Root length, Incisor,

Cephalometric and occlusal changes of Class III malocclusion treated with or without extractions

Objective: The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the cephalometric and occlusal changes of orthodontically treated Class III malocclusion patients. Methods: The experimental groups comprised 37 Class III patients treated: G1) without (n=19) and G2) with extractions (n=18) . The...

Autores: Guilherme Janson, Roberto Bombonatti, Daniela Garib, Juliana Fraga Soares Bombonatti, Aron Aliaga Del Castillo, Bryan Tompson,

messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontic treatment., Class III malocclusion, Occlusal changes, Cephalometric changes,

Indication of clear aligners in the early treatment of anterior crossbite: a case series

Introduction: Anterior crossbite (AC) is defined as a reverse sagittal relationship between maxillary and mandibular incisors. According to an evidence-based orthodontic triage, the treatment need of AC is indicated if any occlusal interference is forcing the mandible towards a Class III growth...

Autores: Edoardo Staderini, Romeo Patini, Simonetta Meuli, Andrea Camodeca, Federica Guglielmi, Patrizia Gallenzi,

messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontic appliances, Interceptive, Malocclusion, Orthodontics, removable,

Von Mises stresses on Mushroom-loop archwires for incisor retraction: a numerical study

Objective: To perform a numerical simulation using FEM to study the von Mises stresses on Mushroom archwires. Methods: Mushroom archwires made of titanium-molybdenum alloy with 0.017 x 0.025-in cross-section were used in this study. A YS of 1240 MPa and a Young’s modulus of 69 GPa were...

Autores: Marcio Rodrigues de Almeida, Ravindra Nanda, Marcelo Do Amaral Ferreira, Paulo César Borges, Marco Antônio Luersen, Fábio Rodrigo Mandello Rodrigues,

messages.RevistaAutores: Finite element method, Mushroom archwires, Titanium-molybdenum alloys,

Evaluation of zinc-oxide nanocoating on the characteristics and antibacterial behavior of nickel-titanium alloy

Objective: To investigate the effect of ZnO nanocoating on mechanical properties of NiTi orthodontic wires and antibacterial activity. Methods: 0.016 x 0.022-in NiTi orthodontic wires were coated with ZnO nanoparticles using an electrochemical deposition method with three electrodes system in...

Autores: Shaza M. Hammad, Marwa Sameh Shamaa, Noha A. El Wassefy, Ahmed Fathy,

messages.RevistaAutores: Friction resistance, Antibacterial agents, NiTi orthodontic wires, ZnO nanoparticles,

Effect of surface treatments on the adhesive properties of metallic brackets on fluorotic enamel

Objective: To compare the effectiveness of the pretreatment with sandblasting and deproteinization with NaOCl on bond strength (SBS), in situ conversion degree (CD) of brackets in fluorotic enamel, and enamel etching pattern. Methods: A total of 90 non-carious maxillary premolars were used. The...

Autores: Matheus Coelho Bandeca, Mariana Huilcapi, Ana Armas Vega, Andres Felipe Millan Cardenas, Lucila Cristina Rodrigues Araujo, Jessica Bedoya Ocampo, Fabiana Suelen Figuerêdo De Siqueira, Alessandro Loguercio,

messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontics, Sodium Hypochlorite, Dental fluorosis, Conversion degree,

The ability of orthodontists and maxillofacial surgeons in predicting spontaneous eruption of mandibular third molar using panoramic serial radiographs

Objective: To evaluate the skill of orthodontists and oral/maxillofacial surgeons (OMFS) in providing a prognosis of mandibular third molars spontaneously erupted, through follow-up panoramic analysis. Methods: 22 orthodontic patients treated without extraction, presenting spontaneously erupted...

Autores: David Normando, Leandro Silva Marques, Mylena Ranieri Libdy, Nicole Melres Rabello,

messages.RevistaAutores: Tooth extraction, Oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Orthodontist, Third molar,

Treatment of adult patient with hyperdivergent retrognathic phenotype and anterior open bite: report of a case with non-surgical orthodontic approach

Adult patients with anterior open bite and hyperdivergent retrognathic phenotype demand complex treatments, as premolar extractions, molar intrusion or orthognathic surgery. In the present clinical case, a young adult patient without significant growth, with Class I and anterior open bite, was...

Autores: Marinho Del Santo Jr,

messages.RevistaAutores: Anterior open bite, Hyperdivergent retrognathic phenotype, Premolar extractions, Non-surgical orthodontic therapy,

Space closure using aligners

Introduction: Due to the search for more aesthetic and comfortable alternatives to perform orthodontic treatments and to the great technological development, orthodontic aligners have assumed great importance. More and more complex treatments have been carried out with these appliances without,...

Autores: Ricardo Martins Machado,

messages.RevistaAutores: invisalign, Removable orthodontic appliances, Aesthetic aligners, Clear dental appliances,

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