Journal 2019 v24n5 - DentalGO
Journal 2019 v24n5

Olhando a Ortodontia Interceptativa de uma forma mais abrangente: o que realmente podemos oferecer?

Autores: Flavia Artese,


Administração local de Sinvastatina (medicamento para reduzir o colesterol) diminui o movimento ortodôntico... e mais!

Autores: Matheus Melo Pithon,

Reabsorções radiculares extremas na prática ortodôntica: não precisa trocar os dentes por implantes

Autores: Alberto Consolaro,

Características da colagem de braquetes em esmalte desmineralizado

Autores: Ghada Abdelaziz Mahmoud, Mohammed E. Grawish, Marwa Sameh Shamaa, Yasser Lotfy Abdelnaby,

Efeitos do tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II divisão 1 com três tipos de aparelhos funcionais fixos

Autores: Guilherme Janson, Deborah Brindeiro De Araújo Brito, Camilla Foncatti Fiedler,

Avaliação da área do palato antes e após a expansão rápida da maxila, utilizando tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico

Autores: Flavia Artese, Kurt Faltin Júnior, Tatiana Araújo De Lima, Cristina Lúcia Feijó Ortolani, Carolina Bruder,

Taxa de falhas dos mini-implantes instalados na tuberosidade maxilar

Autores: Muhammad Azeem, Arfan Ul Haq, Zubair Hassan Awaisi, Muhammad Mudassar Saleem, Muhammad Waheed Tahir, Ahmad Liaquat,

Tratamento da má oclusão de Classe III esquelética usando ancoragem esquelética e elásticos intermaxilares: relato de caso

Autores: Mehrnaz Fakharian, Erfan Bardideh, Mostafa Abtahi,

Análise da porção média da faringe em adolescentes com diferentes padrões esqueléticos no sentido anteroposterior

Autores: Mônica Tirre De Souza Araújo, Bruna Caroline Tomé Barreto, Claudia Trindade Mattos, Priscilla De Almeida Solon De Mello, Lígia Vieira Claudino, Guido Artemio Marañón Vásquez, Eduardo Franzotti Sant'anna,

Mordida aberta em adultos

Autores: Susiane Allgayer, Carlos Alberto Estevanell Tavares,

Tracionamento de caninos superiores impactados, com mecânica de arcos segmentados

Autores: Jonas Capelli Júnior, Daniela Kimaid Schroeder, Marco Antonio Schroeder, Diego Junior Da Silva Santos,

A broader look at Interceptive Orthodontics: What can we offer?

Preventive and interceptive orthodontics has the purpose of preventing or alleviating occlusal problems that might be happening in the transition period from deciduous to permanent dentition. In the spectrum of available procedures, we can include from the prevention of interproximal cavity,...

Autores: Flavia Artese,

messages.RevistaAutores: editorial,

Extreme root resorption in orthodontic practice: teeth do not have to be replaced with implants

The replacement of natural teeth that have extreme external apical root resorption, induced by orthodontic treatment, with osseointegrated implants is not justifiable biologically or clinically. These teeth should be preserved and keep their normal functions, as there is no greater mobility,...

Autores: Alberto Consolaro,

messages.RevistaAutores: Tooth resorption, Orthodontic movement, Root resorption Apical resorption,

Characteristics of adhesive bonding with enamel deproteinization

Objective: To evaluate the effect of using sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) on the bond characteristics of orthodontic metal brackets bonded to enamel surface using three adhesive systems. Methods: One hundred twenty premolars were selected and randomly divided into two equal groups of 60 teeth/ each...

Autores: Ghada Abdelaziz Mahmoud, Mohammed E. Grawish, Marwa Sameh Shamaa, Yasser Lotfy Abdelnaby,

messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontic brackets, Sodium Hypochlorite, Electron microscopy,

Effects of Class II division 1 malocclusion treatment with three types of fixed functional appliances

Objective: This study aimed at comparing the dentoskeletal changes in patients with Class II division 1 malocclusion, treated with three types of fixed functional appliances. Methods: A sample comprising 95 patients with the same malocclusion, retrospectively selected, and divided into four...

Autores: Guilherme Janson, José Fernando Castanha Henriques, Deborah Brindeiro De Araújo Brito, Camilla Foncatti Fiedler,

messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontic appliances, functional, Orthodontic appliance design, Malocclusion, Angle Class II, Cephalometry,

Evaluation of palate area before and after rapid maxillary expansion, using cone-beam computed tomography

Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate the changes in the palate area after rapid maxillary expansion (RME) with the Hyrax expander in growing subjects, using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: Fourteen patients (9 girls and 5 boys; mean age = 11.7 ± 2.4 years) who required...

Autores: Flavia Artese, Kurt Faltin Júnior, Tatiana Araújo De Lima, Cristina Lúcia Feijó Ortolani, Carolina Bruder,

messages.RevistaAutores: Palatal Expansion Technique, palate, Cone beam computed tomography,

Failure rates of miniscrews inserted in the maxillary tuberosity

Introduction: Anchorage conservation in orthodontics has always been a challenge. Objective: The aim of this current study was to find out the failure rate of miniscrews inserted in the maxillary tuberosity (MT) region. Methods: This pilot study consisted of 40 patients (23 female, 17 male; mean...

Autores: Muhammad Azeem, Arfan Ul Haq, Zubair Hassan Awaisi, Muhammad Mudassar Saleem, Muhammad Waheed Tahir, Ahmad Liaquat,

messages.RevistaAutores: Miniscrew, Tuberosity, Failure,

Skeletal Class III malocclusion treatment using mandibular and maxillary skeletal anchorage and intermaxillary elastics: a case report

Introduction: Skeletal Class III malocclusion is one of the most challenging malocclusions to treat. In around 40% of Class III patients, maxillary retrognathia is the main cause of the problem and in most patients, orthopedic/surgical treatments includes some type of maxillary protraction....

Autores: Mehrnaz Fakharian, Erfan Bardideh, Mostafa Abtahi,

messages.RevistaAutores: Bone plates, Jaw abnormalities, Retrognathia, Maxillary retroposition, Functional orthodontic appliance,

Analysis of the middle region of the pharynx in adolescents with different anteroposterior craniofacial skeletal patterns

Objective: To assess the volume and morphology of the middle region of the pharynx (MRP) in adolescents with different anteroposterior craniofacial skeletal patterns. Methods: One hundred twenty-six patients (56 male and 70 female), who had cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) within their...

Autores: Eduardo Franzotti Sant’anna, Mônica Tirre De Souza, Bruna Caroline Tomé Barreto, Claudia Trindade Mattos, Priscilla De Almeida Solon De Mello, Lígia Vieira Claudino, Guido Artemio Marañón Vásquez,

messages.RevistaAutores: cone-beam computed tomography, Diagnosis, Pharynx, Sleep apnea syndromes,

Open bite in adult patients

Anterior open bite (AOB) is characterized by the lack of overlap or contact between maxillary and mandibular incisors, while the posterior teeth are in occlusion. Correction of this malocclusion is challenging due to difficulties in determining and addressing the etiologic factors, and the high...

Autores: Susiane Allgayer, Carlos Alberto Estevanell Tavares,

messages.RevistaAutores: Malocclusion, Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures, Open bite, Tongue,

Orthodontic traction of impacted maxillary canines using segmented arch mechanics

The principles of orthodontic mechanics strongly influence the success of impacted canine traction. The present studydiscusses the main imaging exams used for diagnosis and localization of impacted canines, the possible associated etiologicalfactors and the most indicated mechanical solutions

Autores: Jonas Capelli Júnior, Daniela Kimaid Schroeder, Marco Antonio Schroeder, Diego Junior Da Silva Santos,

messages.RevistaAutores: Interceptive orthodontics, Impacted teeth, Computed tomography, Traction, Impacted canines,

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