Journal 2019 v24n4 - DentalGO

Novas orientações para revisões sistemáticas e uma despedida às entrevistas

Autores: Flavia Artese,

A espessura do slot não influencia na perda de ancoragem.. e mais!

Autores: Matheus Melo Pithon,

O mecanismo: como ocorrem as reabsorções dentárias no ameloblastoma

Autores: Alberto Consolaro, Giovana Gonçalves Martins, Ingrid Araújo De Oliveira,

Comparação da força de adesão de braquetes ortodônticos colados com adesivo universal utilizando-se diferentes métodos de condicionamento

Autores: Fereshteh Shafiei, Ahmadreza Sardarian, Reza Fekrazad, Amin Farjood,

Efeito do tratamento ortodôntico na espessura óssea alveolar em adultos: revisão sistemática

Autores: João Batista De Paiva, José Rino Neto, Michelle Sendyk, Daniele Sigal Linhares, Claudio Mendes Pannuti,

Comparação da acurácia da colagem virtual e da colagem direta de acessórios ortodônticos

Autores: Leniana Santos Neves, Bruno Frazão Gribel, Henrique Pretti, Elizabeth Maria Bastos Lages, Natalice Sousa De Oliveira, Soraia Macari,

Comparação entre as assimetrias maxilomandibulares apresentadas por pacientes adultos com diferentes relações esqueléticas sagitais

Autores: Guilherme Thiesen, Maria Perpétua Mota Freitas, Bruno Frazão Gribel, Ki Beom Kim,

Relação entre as más oclusões esqueléticas de Classe II e Classe III e o padrão esquelético vertical

Autores: Sonia Patricia Plaza, Andreina Reimpell, Jaime Silva, Diana Montoya,

Formulação e caracterização de adesivos ortodônticos antibacterianos

Autores: Jefferson Twomley, Qingzhao Yu, Richard Ballard, Paul Armbruster, Xiaoming Xu,

Tratamento ortodôntico como auxiliar da terapia periodontal

Autores: Pedro Marcelo Tondelli,

Biomecânica dos mini-implantes extra-alveolares

Autores: Marcio R. Almeida,

New guidelines for systematic reviews and farewell to interviews

The job of an Editor-in-Chief of a scientific journal is not restricted to facilitate the workflow of manuscript submission, assess reviewer’s suggestions and make final approval/rejection decisions. In addition to this, there is also a large amount of managing tasks, some of them dedicated to...

Autores: Flavia Artese, Carlos Flores Mir,

messages.RevistaAutores: editorial,

The mechanism: how dental resorptions occur in ameloblastoma

Knife-edge or blunt root resorptions characterize ameloblastomas and are pathognomonic for this tumor, because they differentiate ameloblastomas from simple bone cysts, odontogenic keratocysts and nasopalatine duct cysts, which do not lead to resorption of involved teeth. Despite the very high...

Autores: Alberto Consolaro, Giovana Gonçalves Martins, Ingrid Araújo De Oliveira,

messages.RevistaAutores: ameloblastoma, orthodontics, Root resorption, Tooth resorption, Lesions of the jaws,

Comparison of shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets bonded with a universal adhesive using different etching methods

Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of three enamel etching modes — laser-etch, self-etch and acid-etch (5, 10 and 15 s) — on bracket bonding, using a universal adhesive. Methods: Eighty-four maxillary premolars were randomly divided into seven groups (n=12) based on...

Autores: Fereshteh Shafiei, Ahmadreza Sardarian, Reza Fekrazad, Amin Farjood,

messages.RevistaAutores: laser, Orthodontic brackets, Orthodontic adhesives,

Effect of orthodontic treatment on alveolar bone thickness in adults: a systematic review

Objectives: This review aimed at evaluating changes in alveolar bone thickness after completion of orthodontic treatment. Methods: Only prospective clinical studies that reported bone thickness in adult patients undergoing non-surgical orthodontic treatment were considered eligible. MEDLINE,...

Autores: João Batista De Paiva, José Rino Neto, Michelle Sendyk, Daniele Sigal Linhares, Claudio Mendes Pannuti,

messages.RevistaAutores: orthodontics, Tooth movement, Periodontics, Alveolar bone loss,

Comparison of the accuracy of virtual and direct bonding of orthodontic accessories

Introduction: Conventional direct and indirect bonding techniques fail to obtain the ideal bracket position. Objective: To compare the accuracy of virtual and conventional direct bonding of orthodontic accessories. Methods: A single virtual configuration (dental mannequin with Class I...

Autores: Leniana Santos Neves, Bruno Frazão Gribel, Henrique Pretti, Elizabeth Maria Bastos Lages, Natalice Sousa De Oliveira, Soraia Macari,

messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontic brackets, Direct bonding, Indirect bonding, Accuracy,

Comparison of maxillomandibular asymmetries in adult patients presenting different sagittal jaw relationships

Objective: The present study aims at using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to analyze the maxillomandibular characteristics present in adults with mandibular asymmetries and different sagittal jaw relationships. Methods: 360 patients were selected and divided into three groups (Class I,...

Autores: Guilherme Thiesen, Maria Perpétua Mota Freitas, Bruno Frazão Gribel, Ki Beom Kim,

messages.RevistaAutores: cone-beam computed tomography, Facial asymmetry, Malocclusions, 3-D imaging,

Relationship between skeletal Class II and Class III malocclusions with vertical skeletal pattern

Objective: The purpose of this study was to establish the association between sagittal and vertical skeletal patterns and assess which cephalometric variables contribute to the possibility of developing skeletal Class II or Class III malocclusion. Methods: Cross-sectional study. The sample...

Autores: Sonia Patricia Plaza, Andreina Reimpell, Jaime Silva, Diana Montoya,

messages.RevistaAutores: Malocclusion, Cephalometry, Regression analysis,

Formulation and characterization of antibacterial orthodontic adhesive

Objective: The objective of this study was to formulate experimental orthodontic bracket adhesives and test their mechanical properties, fluoride release and antibacterial activity. Methods: Four experimental antibacterial orthodontic bracket adhesives were prepared with different compositions...

Autores: Jefferson Twomley, Qingzhao Yu, Richard Ballard, Paul Armbruster, Xiaoming Xu,

messages.RevistaAutores: orthodontics, Antibacterial, Adhesive, Fluoride release,

Orthodontic treatment as an adjunct to periodontal therapy

This study discusses the role of orthodontic treatment as an adjunct to the control and treatment of periodontal disease conditions, and describes a clinical case of severe anterior mandibular crowding and periodontal disease followed up for nine years and three months after orthodontic...

Autores: Pedro Marcelo Tondelli,

messages.RevistaAutores: orthodontics, Malocclusion, Tooth movement, Periodontitis,

Biomechanics of extra-alveolar mini-implants

It is undeniable that extra-alveolar mini-implants anchorage has revolutionized Orthodontics. Correspondingly, the proper understanding of mini-implants biomechanics allowed to broaden the range of dental movements as never seen before in clinical practice. However, in order to produce better...

Autores: Marcio R. Almeida,

messages.RevistaAutores: Mini-implants, Class II malocclusion, Class III malocclusion, Class I malocclusion, Orthodontic miniscrews,

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