Journal 2019 v24n3 - DentalGO

Tendências ou evidências: em que os ortodontistas querem se apoiar?

Autores: Flavia Artese,

Uma entrevista com Lincoln Issamu Nojima

Autores: Luciane Macedo De Menezes, Lincoln Issamu Nojima, Mírian Aiko Nakane Matsumoto, Marco Antonio Schroeder, José Valladares Neto, Daniel Brunetto,

Plasma rico em plaquetas não minimiza defeitos alveolares após Expansão Rápida da Maxila... e mais!

Autores: Matheus Melo Pithon,

Homenagem especial: Sebastião Interlandi

Autores: Maria Fernanda Martins Ortiz Posso,

Prevalência e fatores relacionados à má oclusão, necessidade real e percebida de tratamento ortodôntico entre crianças e adolescentes de Bangladesh

Autores: Sharmin Sultana, Zakir Hossain,

A linha vertical glabelar como referência para a posição anteroposterior da maxila

Autores: Carlos Flores Mir, Marcos J. Carruitero, Ximena M. Ambrosio Vallejos,

Eficácia dos indicadores ODI e APDI da análise cefalométrica de Kim, em uma população latino-americana com mordida aberta esquelética

Autores: Gustavo Adolfo Watanabe Kanno, Luis Ernesto Arriola Guillen, Paola Janett Caballero Purizaga,

Avaliação da postura da língua em repouso em diferentes padrões esqueléticos sagitais

Autores: Mubassar Fida, Farheen Fatima,

Parâmetros periodontais de dois tipos de contenção ortodôntica 3 x 3: um estudo longitudinal

Autores: Larissa A. Ferreira, Diogo M. Sapata, Maria G. A. Provenzano, Roberto M. Hayacibara, Adilson L. Ramos,

Avaliação histológica e mecânica de um dispositivo de titânio para ancoragem ortodôntica, posicionado com ou sem adesivo de cianoacrilato

Autores: Roberta Tarkany Basting, Anderson Antonio Mamede, Elizabeth Ferreira Martinez,

Avaliação 3D das alterações transversais dentoalveolares e do comprimento radicular do primeiro molar superior permanente após expansão rápida ou lenta da maxila em crianças

Autores: Gerson Luiz Ulema Ribeiro, Juliana Da Silva Pereira, Maurício Brunetto, Helder Baldi Jacob, Jeryl D. English,

Extrações dentárias em Ortodontia: primeiros ou segundos pré-molares?

Autores: Telma Martins De Araújo, Luciana Duarte Caldas,

A apneia obstrutiva do sono em adultos

Autores: Jorge Faber, Carolina Faber, Ana Paula Faber,

Trends or evidence: What do orthodontists want to rely on?

The orthodontic world just recently came together at the AAO Annual Meeting, held in Los Angeles. As most professional conventions, it has the main purpose of offering to the attendee scientific, commercial and networking opportunities regarding the specialty. And it is quite natural that, while...

Autores: Flavia Artese,

messages.RevistaAutores: editorial,

An interview with Lincoln Issamu Nojima

Those who do not know Lincoln Issamu Nojima may have the impression that he is a sedate professor of Orthodontics. However, this great professional has struggled and endured a difficult journey to become the orthodontist that he is today. In the beginning of his career, as he had no dependable...

Autores: Luciane Macedo De Menezes, Lincoln Issamu Nojima, Mírian Aiko Nakane Matsumoto, Marco Antonio Schroeder, José Valladares Neto, Daniel Brunetto,

messages.RevistaAutores: entrevista,

Prevalence and factors related to malocclusion, normative and perceived orthodontic treatment need, among children and adolescents in Bangladesh

Objective: The purpose of the present study was to assess the prevalence of normative and perceived orthodontic treatment need in schoolchildren and adolescents, related risk factors, and children/parent’s aesthetic perception, compared to orthodontist’s opinion, in Dhaka city, Bangladesh....

Autores: Sharmin Sultana, Zakir Hossain,

messages.RevistaAutores: iotn, Malocclusion, Normative need, Perceived need, Schoolchildren,

Glabellar vertical line as a reference goal for anteroposterior maxillary position

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of glabellar vertical line (GVL) as the anteroposterior maxillary position goal. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted assessing 129 participants (20.21 ± 1.99 years): 67 women (20.16 ± 1.99 years), and 62 males (20.26 ± 2.06...

Autores: Carlos Flores Mir, Marcos J. Carruitero, Ximena M. Ambrosio Vallejos,

messages.RevistaAutores: orthodontics, Orthognathic surgery, Diagnosis, Facial profile,

Efficiency of ODI and APDI of Kim’s cephalometric analysis in a Latin American population with skeletal open bite

Objective: The objective of this research was to demonstrate the efficiency of the overbite depth indicator (ODI) and the anteroposterior dysplasia indicator (APDI) from Kim’s cephalometric analysis, regarding the determination of the vertical and sagittal patterns of Latin American...

Autores: Gustavo Adolfo Watanabe Kanno, Luis Ernesto Arriola Guillen, Paola Janett Caballero Purizaga,

messages.RevistaAutores: Malocclusion, Open bite, Cephalometry, Hispanic Americans,

The assessment of resting tongue posture in different sagittal skeletal patterns

Introduction: Resting tongue posture affects the surrounding structures and, theoretically, may result in altered arch form and jaw relationship. Objective: The objective of the present study was to investigate the association between resting tongue posture as observed in lateral cephalometric...

Autores: Mubassar Fida, Farheen Fatima,

messages.RevistaAutores: Dental arch, Tongue, Jaw relationship,

Periodontal parameters of two types of 3 x 3 orthodontic retainer: a longitudinal study

Introduction: bonded fixed retainers are often used to stabilize the results obtained with the orthodontic treatment. It is important that they do not prejudice dental health, as they will be used for a long period. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to compare periodontal indexes...

Autores: Larissa A. Ferreira, Diogo M. Sapata, Roberto M. Hayacibara, Adilson L. Ramos, Maria G.A. Provenz,

messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontic retainers, Periodontics, Orthodontics, corrective, Gingivitis,

Mechanical and histological evaluation of a titanium device for orthodontic anchorage, placed with or without cyanoacrylate adhesive

Objective: The objective of the present study was to perform a histological evaluation of a titanium mini-implant for orthodontic anchorage. Shear strength and fracture patterns that occurred immediately, 30 and 60 days after insertion with or without N-2-butyl-cyanoacrylate adhesive were...

Autores: Roberta Tarkany Basting, Anderson Antonio Mamede, Elizabeth Ferreira Martinez,

messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures, Fractures, Cortical bone,

A 3-D evaluation of transverse dentoalveolar changes and maxillary first molar root length after rapid or slow maxillary expansion in children

Objective: The objective of the present study was to conduct a randomized clinical trial comparing the effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and slow maxillary expansion (SME). Maxillary permanent first molar root length and tooth movement through the alveolus were studied using cone-beam...

Autores: Gerson Luiz Ulema Ribeiro, Juliana Da Silva Pereira, Maurício Brunetto, Helder Baldi Jacob, Jeryl D. English,

messages.RevistaAutores: Root resorption, Cone beam computed tomography, Maxillary expansion,

Tooth extractions in Orthodontics: first or second premolars?

Tooth crowding and protrusions demand rigorous attention during orthodontic planning that includes the extraction of first and second premolars. Some characteristics, such as dentoalveolar bone discrepancies, maxillomandibular relations, facial profile, skeletal maturation, dental asymmetries and...

Autores: Telma Martins De Araújo, Luciana Duarte Caldas,

messages.RevistaAutores: Angle Class I malocclusion, Malocclusion, Tooth extraction,

Obstructive sleep apnea in adults

Introduction: Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAS) is a highly prevalent disease with serious consequences for the patients’ lives. The treatment of the condition is mandatory for the improvement of the quality of life, as well as the life expectancy of the affected...

Autores: Jorge Faber, Carolina Faber, Ana Paula Faber,

messages.RevistaAutores: Orthognathic surgery, Snoring, Dentistry, Obstructive sleep apnea, Maxillomandibular advancement,

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