Iatrogenia em Ortodontia e seus desafios
Autores: Henrique Oliveira Feitosa, Gustavo Mattos Barreto,
Autores: Henrique Oliveira Feitosa, Gustavo Mattos Barreto,
Autores: David Normando,
Autores: Matheus Melo Pithon,
Autores: Alberto Consolaro,
Autores: Orlando Tanaka, Renato Parsekian Martins, Armando Yukio Saga, Sergei Godeiro Fernandes Rabelo Caldas, Marcio Almeida, Rodrigo F. Viecilli,
Autores: Marcos Augusto Lenza, Mauricio Guilherme Lenza, Celha Borges Costa Alves, Márcio Nunes Segurado, Miriam Cristina Leandro Dorta, Fátima Ribeiro Dias,
Autores: Júlio De Araújo Gurgel, Célia Regina Maio Pinzan-Vercelino, Rafael Ribeiro Maya,
Autores: David Normando, Edilene Kawabata, Vera Lucia Dantas, Carlos Brito Kato,
Autores: Jonas Capelli Júnior, Tatiana Araújo De Lima, Candice Belchior Duplat, Deise Caldas Kuhlman,
Autores: Attiya Shaikh, Mubassar Fida, Waqar Jeelani,
Autores: Attiya Shaikh, Mubassar Fida, Farheen Fatima,
Autores: Eduardo Franzotti Sant’anna, Claudia Trindade Mattos, Tiago Maia Fernandes Oliveira, Lígia Vieira Claudino,
Autores: David Normando, Mônica L. S. Castro Aragón, Leandro Santiago Lima,
Autores: Leandro Eduardo Klüppel, Paulo César Ulson De Souza, Fernando Gianzanti Peres, Luis Eduardo Marques Padovan, Gustavo Calvalcanti Albuquerque, Marcela Claudino,
Este artigo relata o caso clínico de uma paciente do sexo feminino, com história de insucessos em tratamentos ortodônticos pregressos. Apresentava má oclusão de Classe III, com atresia de ambas as arcadas dentárias, mordida cruzada anterior e assimetria facial, proveniente de laterognatismo...
Autores: Guilherme De Araújo Almeida,
Autores: Matheus Melo Pithon, Felipe Carvalho Souza Baião, Nathalia De Lima Santos, Camila Rangel Barreto Dos Santos, Murilo Costa Rangel Pinheiro, Manoel Matos Neto, Ianderlei Andrade Souza, Rafael Pereira De Paula,
Autores: Andréa Fonseca Jardim Da Motta, José Nelson Mucha, Adriana De Alcantara Cury Saramago, Jamille Barros Ferreira, Licínio Esmeraldo Da Silva, Márcia Tereza De Oliveira Caetano,
Autores: Leopoldino Capelozza Filho, João Batista De Paiva, José Rino Neto, Gilberto Vilanova Queiroz,
Autores: Karina Santos Mundstock, Fernanda De Souza Henkin, érika De Oliveira Dias De Macêdo, Susana Maria Werner Samuel, Karoline Da Silva Santos, Marília Schwarzbach,
Autores: Camilo Aquino Melgaço, Elizabeth Maria Bastos Lages, Saul Martins Paiva, Lucas Guimarães Abreu, Mauro Henrique Abreu,
Autores: Dauro Douglas Oliveira, Juan Martin Palomo, Ildeu Andrade Jr, Daniel Santos Fonseca Figueiredo, Lucas Cardinal, Flávia Uchôa Costa Bartolomeo, Martinho Campolina Rebello Horta,
Autores: Guilherme Janson, Rodrigo Hitoshi Higa, Renata Sathler, Thais Maria Freire Fernandes, Nayara Thiago Semenara,
Autores: Mehmet Citak, Elif Bahar Cakici, Yasin Atakan Benkli, Fatih Cakici, Bircan Bektas, Suleyman Kutalmış Buyuk,
Autores: Marcelo Quiroga Souki,
Autores: Fernanda Angelieri, Lorenzo Franchi, James A. McNamara Jr, Lucia H. S. Cevidanes, Bruno Bueno Silva,
Introduction: A reasonable exposure of incisors and gingival tissues is generally considered more attractive than excess or lack of exposure. A reasonable gingival exposure is considered to be around 0 to 2 mm when smiling and 2-4 mm exposure of the maxillary incisor edge when the lips are at rest....
Autores: David Normando,
Control of orthodontic anchorage is a concern in Orthodontics since its inception. With the advent of skeletal anchorage, these problems were solved, given the effectiveness of these devices to avoid undesirable orthodontic movements. Despite the popularization of skeletal anchorage, there are...
Autores: Matheus Melo Pithon,
External cervical resorption is caused, almost exclusively, by dental trauma — especially those characterized by concussion — and is a dental disease to be diagnosed and treated accurately by endodontists. However, the vast majority of the cases is initially diagnosed by an orthodontist, due...
Autores: Alberto Consolaro,
messages.RevistaAutores: External cervical resorption, Dental resorption, Dental trauma, Concussion,
Early in the 2000, digital communication brought me a new friend. We haven’t studied together or been presented by any common friends. Along lines and lines of conversation, I met a young orthodontist from Canoas/RS, who even without having studied in one of the traditional Mechanics schools in...
Autores: Orlando Tanaka, Renato Parsekian Martins, Armando Yukio Saga, Marcio Almeida, Sergei Caldas RABELO,
Objective: To evaluate and compare in vitro cytotoxicity and corrosion resistance of mini-implants from three different commercial brands used for orthodontic anchorage. Methods: Six mini-implants (Conexão™, Neodent™ and SIN™) were separately immersed in artificial saliva (pH 6.76) for 30...
Autores: Marcos Augusto Lenza, Mauricio Guilherme Lenza, Celha Borges Costa Alves, Márcio Nunes Segurado, Miriam Cristina Leandro Dorta, Fátima Ribeiro Dias,
messages.RevistaAutores: Mini-implants, Cytotoxicity, Corrosion,
Objective: The aim of the present ex-vivo study was to evaluate the effect of the vertical placement angle of miniimplants on primary stability by analyzing maximum insertion torque (MIT). Methods: Mini-implants were placed in 30 human cadavers, inserted at either a 90° or 60° angle to the buccal...
Autores: Júlio De Araújo Gurgel, Célia Regina Maio Pinzan-Vercelino, Rafael Ribeiro Maya,
messages.RevistaAutores: torque, Orthodontics, Anchorage,
Objective: To evaluate in vivo changes in the color of esthetic elastomeric ligatures from different manufacturers. Methods: Four widely used commercial brands of elastomeric ligatures were selected and used in 20 adult patients in a split-mouth design. The ligatures were evaluated by...
Autores: David Normando, Edilene Kawabata, Vera Lucia Dantas, Carlos Brito Kato,
messages.RevistaAutores: Esthetic orthodontic ligatures, Esthetic elastomers, Pigmentation Orthodontic treatment,
Objective: The objective of this present study was to understand how children and adolescents perceive esthetic attractiveness of a variety of orthodontic appliances. It also analyzed preferences according to patients’ age, sex and socioeconomic status. Methods: A photograph album consisting...
Autores: Jonas Capelli Júnior, Tatiana Araújo De Lima, Candice Belchior Duplat, Deise Caldas Kuhlman,
messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontic appliances, Esthetics, Corrective orthodontic treatment,
Introduction: Pubertal growth peak is closely associated with a rapid increase in mandibular length and offers a wide range of therapeutic modifiability. Objective: The aim of the present study was to determine and compare the mean ages of onset and duration of pubertal growth peak among three...
Autores: Attiya Shaikh, Mubassar Fida, Waqar Jeelani,
messages.RevistaAutores: Cephalometry, Cervical vertebrae, Puberty, Age of onset,
Introduction: Differential diagnosis of skeletal and dental relationships is crucial for planning orthodontic treatment. Overbite depth indicator (ODI) and anteroposterior dysplasia indicator (APDI) had been introduced in the past for assessment of vertical and sagittal jaw relationships,...
Autores: Attiya Shaikh, Mubassar Fida, Farheen Fatima,
messages.RevistaAutores: overbite, Malocclusion, Cephalometry, Receiver operating characteristic curve,
Objective: The aim of this preliminary study was to assess changes in tooth length and alveolar thickness following retraction of maxillary incisors. Methods: A total of 11 patients presenting severe maxillary dentoalveolar protrusion revealed by initial (T1) cone-beam computed tomography...
Autores: Claudia Trindade Mattos, Eduardo Franzotti Sant`anna, Tiago Maia Fernandes Oliveira, Lígia Vieira Claudino,
messages.RevistaAutores: cone-beam computed tomography, Root resorption, Tooth movement, Alveolar bone loss,
Introduction: Debris buildup on brackets and arch surfaces is one of the main factors that can influence the intensity of friction between bracket and orthodontic wire. Objective: This study sought to evaluate the effect of air-powder polishing cleaning on debris levels of self-ligating ceramic...
Autores: David Normando, Mônica L. S. Castro Aragón, Leandro Santiago Lima,
messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontic brackets, ceramics, Dental prophylaxis, Sodium bicarbonate,
Introduction: Temporary anchorage devices (TADs) have been developed to be used as direct adjuncts in orthodontic treatment and have facilitated treatment of more complex orthodontic cases, including patients with dental impaction. Objectives: This clinical case reports the applicability of TADs...
Autores: Leandro Eduardo Klüppel, Paulo César Ulson De Souza, Fernando Gianzanti Peres, Luis Eduardo Marques Padovan, Gustavo Calvalcanti Albuquerque, Marcela Claudino,
messages.RevistaAutores: molar, Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures, Tooth movement, Tooth, impacted,
This article reports the clinical case of a female patient with history of unsuccessful orthodontic treatment. She presented with Class III malocclusion, mandibular and maxillary constriction, anterior crossbite and facial asymmetry resulting from laterognathism triggered by hyperactivity of the...
Autores: Guilherme De Araújo Almeida,
messages.RevistaAutores: Angle Class III malocclusion, Facial asymmetry, Orthodontics,
Introduction: Orthodontics has gone through remarkable advances for those who practice it with dignity and clinical quality, such as the unprecedented number of patients treated of some type of iatrogenic problems (post-treatment root resorptions; occlusal plane changes; midline discrepancies,...
Autores: Henrique Oliveira Feitosa, Gustavo Mattos Barreto,
messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontics, Relapse, Iatrogenesis,
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