Pressão digital ou sugestão positiva: diferentes maneiras de se evitar a dor durante a descolagem dos braquetes
Autores: Matheus Melo Pithon,
Autores: Matheus Melo Pithon,
Autores: Renato Parsekian Martins, Carlos Alexandre Câmara,
Autores: Luís Antônio De Arruda Aidar,
Autores: Marcel Marchiori Farret, Alessandro Marchiori Farret, Milton M. Benitez Farret,
Autores: Samiha Haj Younis, Tarek Z. Khattab, Mohammad Y. Hajeer, Hassan Farah,
Autores: Guilherme Thiesen, Maria Perpétua Mota Freitas, Bruno Frazão Gribel, Keila Cristina Rausch Pereira,
Autores: Oswaldo De Vasconcellos Vilella, Lillian Atsumi Simabuguro Chinem, Beatriz De Souza Vilella, Cláudia Lúcia De Pinho Maurício, Lucia Viviana Canevaro, Luiz Fernando Deluiz,
Autores: Aniruddh Yashwant V., Ravi K.,
Autores: Attiya Shaikh, Mubassar Fida, Maheen Ahmed,
Autores: Marcos Gabriel Do Lago Prieto, Lucas Prieto, Carla Maria Melleiro Gimenez, Graziane Olímpio Pereira, Roberta Tarkany Basting,
Autores: Fernando Habib, Emanuel Braga, Márcio Lisboa,
Autores: Alberto Consolaro, Hideo Suzuki, Luiz Henrique Previdente, Won Moon, Selly Sayuri Suzuki, Aguinaldo Silva Garcez Segundo,
Autores: David Normando,
Autores: David Normando, Brisa Dos Santos Leite, Nathalia Carolina Fernandes Fagundes, Mônica Lídia Castro Aragón, Carmen Gilda Barroso Tavares Dias,
Every year, in June, the major databases publish the impact exerted by scientific periodicals in the scientific context. While Thompson Reuters quantifies it as the journal’s impact factor, SCImago database terms it cites per doc. However, both estimate the average number of citations of...
Autores: David Normando,
Pain is a frequent and commonplace feeling reported by patients using braces. The need of inducing inflammation for tooth movement to take place is no secret to anyone. Pain arising from orthodontic appliance activation is important and necessary, but other discomforts during treatment should be...
Autores: Matheus Melo Pithon,
The midpalatal suture has bone margins with thick connective tissue interposed between them, and it does not represent the fusion of maxillary palatal processes only, but also the fusion of palatal processes of the jaws and horizontal osseous laminae of palatal bones. Changing it implies...
Autores: Alberto Consolaro, Hideo Suzuki, Luiz Henrique Previdente, Won Moon, Selly Sayuri Suzuki, Aguinaldo Silva Garcez Segundo,
messages.RevistaAutores: marpe, Rapid palatal expansion, Midpalatal suture, Palatal expansion,
If I had to describe Tanimoto Sensei using a single word I would say kindness. When I was attending the PhD course in Hiroshima University, I frequently looked at him and thought: “If I have the chance to be an educator, I would like to be like that man.” The generosity, respect and...
Autores: Fernando Habib, Emanuel Braga, Márcio Lisboa,
Objective: To evaluate stainless steel archwire static friction in active and passive self-ligating lingual and conventional brackets with second-order angulations. Methods: Two conventional lingual brackets for canines (STb light/Ormco; PSWb/Tecnident), and two self-ligating brackets, one active...
Autores: Marcos Gabriel Do Lago Prieto, Lucas Prieto, Carla Maria Melleiro Gimenez, Graziane Olímpio Pereira, Roberta Tarkany Basting,
messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontic brackets, friction, Ligation,
Introduction: Multiple cephalometric analyses are used to diagnose vertical skeletal facial discrepancy. A multitude of times, these parameters show conflicting results, and a specific diagnosis is hard to reach. Objective: Hence, this study aimed to identify the skeletal analysis that performs...
Autores: Attiya Shaikh, Mubassar Fida, Maheen Ahmed,
messages.RevistaAutores: Cephalometry, Vertical dimension, Divergence,
Objective: To compare soft tissue changes in Class I borderline cases treated with extraction and nonextraction modalities. Methods: A parent sample of 150 patients with Class I dental and skeletal malocclusion (89 patients treated with premolar extraction and 61 patients without extraction) was...
Autores: Aniruddh Yashwant V., Ravi K., Edeinton Arumugam,
messages.RevistaAutores: Angle Class I malocclusion, Borderline cases, Discriminant analysis, Soft tissue changes,
Introduction: Debris buildup on the bracket-wire interface can influence friction. Cleansing brackets with air-powder polishing can affect this process. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the frictional force and amount of debris remaining on orthodontic brackets subjected to...
Autores: David Normando, Brisa Dos Santos Leite, Nathalia Carolina Fernandes Fagundes, Mônica Lídia Castro Aragón, Carmen Gilda Barroso Tavares Dias,
messages.RevistaAutores: friction, Orthodontic bracket, Dental prophylaxis,
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the equivalent and effective doses of different digital radiographic methods (panoramic, lateral cephalometric and periapical) with cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: Precalibrated thermoluminescent dosimeters were placed at 24 locations...
Autores: Oswaldo De Vasconcellos Vilella, Lillian Atsumi Simabuguro Chinem, Beatriz De Souza Vilella, Cláudia Lúcia De Pinho Maurício, Lucia Viviana Canevaro, Luiz Fernando Deluiz,
messages.RevistaAutores: cone-beam computed tomography, Digital radiograph, Radiation dose,
Introduction: Facial skeletal asymmetry is commonly found in humans and its main characteristic is menton deviation. The literature suggests that occlusal and masticatory problems arising from tooth absence could be related to the development of such asymmetries. Objective: The aim of this...
Autores: Guilherme Thiesen, Maria Perpétua Mota Freitas, Bruno Frazão Gribel, Keila Cristina Rausch Pereira,
messages.RevistaAutores: Facial asymmetry, Orthodontics, Tooth loss, Epidemiology,
Objective: To compare speech performance and levels of oral impairment between two types of lingual brackets. Methods: A parallel-group randomized controlled trial was carried out on patients with Class II, Division 1 malocclusion treated at the University of Hama School of Dentistry in Hama,...
Autores: Samiha Haj Younis, Tarek Z. Khattab, Mohammad Y. Hajeer, Hassan Farah,
messages.RevistaAutores: Lingual Orthodontics, Speech, Chewing, Oral comfort,
Introduction: Skeletal Class III malocclusion is often referred for orthodontic treatment combined with orthognathic surgery. However, with the aid of miniplates, some moderate discrepancies become feasible to be treated without surgery. Objective: To report the case of a 24-year-old man with...
Autores: Marcel Marchiori Farret, Alessandro Marchiori Farret, Milton M. Benitez Farret,
messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontic appliance design, Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures, Angle Class III malocclusion,
This report describes the correction of a clinical case of malocclusion with anteroposterior discrepancy and transverse, sagittal and vertical deficiencies. A nonextraction technique was used to preserve space in the dental arches and control facial growth for the correction of the sagittal...
Autores: Luís Antônio De Arruda Aidar,
messages.RevistaAutores: Corrective Orthodontics, Angle Class II malocclusion, Stability, Orthodontic anchorage,
Introduction: A reasonable exposure of incisors and gingival tissues is generally considered more attractive than excess or lack of exposure. A reasonable gingival exposure is considered to be around 0 to 2 mm when smiling and 2-4 mm exposure of the maxillary incisor edge when the lips are at rest....
Autores: Renato Parsekian Martins, Carlos Alexandre Câmara,
messages.RevistaAutores: smile, aesthetics, Dental occlusion,
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