Journal 2016 v21n2 - DentalGO

A Adição De Antimicrobiano Não Interfere Na Resistência De Compósitos Ortodônticos

Autores: Matheus Melo Pithon,

Compreendendo o fundamento do fechamento de espaços na Ortodontia, para um tratamento ortodôntico mais eficiente

Autores: Gerson Luiz Ulema Ribeiro, Helder Baldi Jacob,

Má oclusão de Classe I de Angle com trespasse horizontal negativo na região anterior

Autores: Paulo ávila De Souza,

Alterações no osso alveolar de suporte induzidas pelo aparelho de Herbst: uma avaliação tomográfica

Autores: Dirceu Barnabé Raveli, Taísa Boamorte Raveli, Humberto Osvaldo Schwartz Filho, João Paulo Schwartz,

Resultados ortodônticos obtidos por meio da aplicação de um protocolo de finalização

Autores: Alvaro Carvajal Flórez, Diana María Barbosa Lis, Oscar Arturo Zapata Noreña, Julissa Andrea Marin Velásquez, Sergio Andrés Afanador Bayona,

Avaliação da translucidez e da correspondência de cor de braquetes estéticos com uma escala de cores, usando espectroradiômetro

Autores: Yong Keun Lee, Yu Bin,

Avaliação peri-implantar de implantes osseointegráveis submetidos à força ortodôntica: resultados após três anos de carga funcional

Autores: Luiz Carlos Marchi, Mauro Carlos Agner Busato, Bruna De Rezende Marins, Suy Ellen Pramiu, Adriane Yaeko Togashi,

Autoestima de adolescentes com más oclusões de Classes I, II e III de Angle em uma amostra de peruanos

Autores: Carlos Flores Mir, Karla Florián Vargas, Marcos J. Carruitero Honores, Eduardo Bernabé,

Comparação do formato da arcada de indivíduos turcos e norte-americanos

Autores: Ahmet A. Celebi, Hakan Keklik, Enes Tan, Faruk I. Ucar,

Efeito da suplementação com zinco na movimentação dentária ortodôntica em ratos

Autores: Ahmad Akhoundi Mohammad Sadegh, Ghazanfari Rezvaneh, Etemad Moghadam Shahroo, Alaeddini Mojgan, Khorshidian Azam, Rabbani Shahram, Shamshiri Ahmad Reza, Momeni Nafiseh,

Colagem de braquetes em lesões de mancha branca pré-tratadas por meio de dois métodos

Autores: Eduardo Franzotti Sant’anna, Mariana Marquezan, Julia Sotero Vianna, Thiago Chon Leon Lau,

Uma entrevista com Eustáquio A. Araujo

Autores: Orlando Tanaka, Carlos Alberto Estevanell Tavares, Eustáquio A. Araújo, James Leonard Vaden,

Decíduos em adultos devem ser mantidos ou não? E as células-tronco, sua preservação é justificável?

Autores: Alberto Consolaro,

Sobre jardins, braquetes e dinheiro

Autores: Leandro Silva Marques,

Efeito da desimpacção de caninos usando dispositivos de ancoragem temporária (DATs) antes do tratamento ortodôntico, para prevenir a reabsorção radicular dos dentes adjacentes

Autores: Farzin Heravi, Hooman Shafaee, Ali Forouzanfar, Seyed Hossein Hoseini Zarch, Mohsen Merati,

On gardens, brackets and money

Understanding the scenarios of the orthodontic community in different countries may favor the political and administrative positioning of institutions involved with Orthodontics as a science. In the movie Being There (1979), Peter Sellers plays the gardener Chance. Living completely secluded in...

Autores: Leandro Silva Marques,


orthodontics highlights

ANTIMICROBIAL ADDITION DOES NOT INTERFERE IN ORTHODONTIC COMPOSITES’ RESISTANCE The aesthetic, functional and social benefits achieved with orthodontic correction have already been well discussed and documented in the literature. To this end, modern Orthodontics uses accessories attached to...

Autores: Matheus Melo Pithon,


Should deciduous teeth be preserved in adult patients? How about stem cells? Is it reasonable to preserve them?

When seeking orthodontic treatment, many adolescents and adult patients present with deciduous teeth. Naturally, deciduous teeth will inevitably undergo exfoliation at the expected time or at a later time. Apoptosis is the biological trigger of root resorption. In adult patients, deciduous teeth...

Autores: Alberto Consolaro,

messages.RevistaAutores: Root resorption, Orthodontic movement, Stem cells, Deciduous teeth, Apoptosis,

An interview with Eustáquio A. Araujo

Professor Eustáquio Afonso Araújo received his DDS from Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in the year of 1969. In 1981, he received his certificate in Orthodontics and Masters in Dental Sciences from the University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA. His...

Autores: Orlando Tanaka, Carlos Alberto Estevanell Tavares, James Leonard Vaden, Rolf Gordon BEHRENTS,


Bonding brackets on white spot lesions pretreated by means of two methods

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength (SBS) of brackets bonded to demineralized enamel pretreated with low viscosity Icon Infiltrant resin (DMG) and glass ionomer cement (Clinpro XT Varnish, 3M Unitek) with and without aging. Methods: A total of 75 bovine...

Autores: Mariana Marquezan, Eduardo Franzotti Sant`anna, Julia Sotero Vianna, Thiago Chon Leon Lau,

messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontic brackets, Shear bond strength, Dental Caries,

Effect of supplementary zinc on orthodontic tooth movement in a rat model

Introduction: Osteoclasts and osteoblasts are responsible for regulating bone homeostasis during which the trace element zinc has been shown to exert a cumulative effect on bone mass by stimulating osteoblastic bone formation and inhibiting osteoclastic bone resorption. Objective: The aim of the...

Autores: Ahmad Akhoundi Mohammad Sadegh, Ghazanfari Rezvaneh, Etemad Moghadam Shahroo, Alaeddini Mojgan, Khorshidian Azam, Rabbani Shahram, Shamshiri Ahmad Reza, Momeni Nafiseh,

messages.RevistaAutores: Tooth movement, Orthodontics, Dietary supplement, Zinc,

Comparison of arch forms between Turkish and North American

Objective: The aim of this study was to clarify the morphological differences in the mandibular arches of Turkish and North American white subjects. Methods: The sample included 132 Turkish (34 Class I, 58 Class II, and 40 Class III) and 160 North American (60 Class I, 50 Class II, and 50 Class...

Autores: Ahmet A. Celebi, Hakan Keklik, Enes Tan, Faruk I. Ucar,

messages.RevistaAutores: Malocclusion, Dental arch, Ethnic groups, Dental model,

Self-esteem in adolescents with Angle Class I, II and III malocclusion in a Peruvian sample

Objective: To compare self-esteem scores in 12 to 16-year-old adolescents with different Angle malocclusion types in a Peruvian sample. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a sample of 276 adolescents (159, 52 and 65 with Angle Class I, II and III malocclusions,...

Autores: Carlos Flores Mir, Karla Florián Vargas, Marcos J. Carruitero Honores, Eduardo Bernabé,

messages.RevistaAutores: Self-esteem, Malocclusion classification, Adolescents,

The effect of canine disimpaction performed with temporary anchorage devices (TADs) before comprehensive orthodontic treatment to avoid root resorption of adjacent teeth

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the movement of impacted canines away from the roots of neighboring teeth before full-mouth bracket placement, performed by means of TADs to decrease undesired side effects on adjacent teeth. Methods: The study sample consisted of 34 palatally...

Autores: Farzin Heravi, Hooman Shafaee, Ali Forouzanfar, Seyed Hossein Hoseini Zarch, Mohsen Merati,

messages.RevistaAutores: Cbct, TADs, Impacted canine,

Peri-implant evaluation of osseointegrated implants subjected to orthodontic forces: results after three years of functional loading

Objective: The objective of this study was to clinically and radiographically assess the peri-implant conditions of implants used as orthodontic anchorage. Methods: Two groups were studied: 1) a test group in which osseointegrated implants were used as orthodontic anchorage, with the application...

Autores: Luiz Carlos Marchi, Mauro Carlos Agner Busato, Adriane Yaeko Togashi, Bruna De Rezende Marins, Suy Ellen Pramiu,

messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontic appliances, Osseointegration, Dental implants, Bones,

Translucency and color match with a shade guide of esthetic brackets with the aid of a spectroradiometer

Objective: Since the color of esthetic brackets should match that of teeth, the aims of this study were to determine the color and translucency of esthetic brackets by means of the clinically relevant use of a spectroradiometer, and to compare the color of brackets with that of a commercial...

Autores: Yong Keun Lee, Yu Bin,

messages.RevistaAutores: Orthodontic bracket, Color compatibility, Translucency, Esthetic performance, Spectroradiometer,

Orthodontic treatment outcomes obtained by application of a finishing protocol

Objective: To evaluate the results of a finishing protocol implemented in patients treated in the Orthodontics graduate program at Universidad de Antioquia. Evaluation was carried out by means of the criteria set by the Objective Grading System (OGS) of the American Board of Orthodontics (ABO)....

Autores: Alvaro Carvajal Flórez, Diana María Barbosa Lis, Oscar Arturo Zapata Noreña, Julissa Andrea Marin Velásquez, Sergio Andrés Afanador Bayona,

messages.RevistaAutores: Malocclusion, Orthodontics, Clinical Protocols, Index of orthodontic treatment need, Treatment outcomes,

Changes in alveolar bone support induced by the Herbst appliance: a tomographic evaluation

Objective: This study evaluated alveolar bone loss around mandibular incisors, induced by the Herbst appliance. Methods: The sample consisted of 23 patients (11 men, 12 women; mean age of 15.76 ± 1.75 years), Class II, Division 1 malocclusion, treated with the Herbst appliance. CBCT scans were...

Autores: Dirceu Barnabé Raveli, Taísa Boamorte Raveli, Humberto Osvaldo Schwartz Filho, João Paulo Schwartz,

messages.RevistaAutores: cone-beam computed tomography, Periodontium, Activator appliances,

Angle Class I malocclusion with anterior negative overjet

This clinical case report describes the orthodontic treatment of an 8-year and 9-month old female patient with Angle Class I malocclusion, anterior crossbite and canine Class III relationship. Orthodontic treatment was carried out in two stages. The first one was orthopedic, while the second one...

Autores: Paulo ávila De Souza,

messages.RevistaAutores: Orthopedics, Corrective Orthodontics, Angle Class I malocclusion,

Understanding the basis of space closure in Orthodontics for a more efficient orthodontic treatment

Introduction: Space closure is one of the most challenging processes in Orthodontics and requires a solid comprehension of biomechanics in order to avoid undesirable side effects. Understanding the biomechanical basis of space closure better enables clinicians to determine anchorage and...

Autores: Gerson Luiz Ulema Ribeiro, Helder B. Jacob,

messages.RevistaAutores: Anchorage, space closure, Biomechanical,

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