Estética | JCDR 2020 v17n1 - DentalGO

O dentista sincero: lockdown

Autores: Ronaldo Hirata,

Milena Cadenaro

Autores: Marcelo Giannini, Eduardo Moreira da Silva,

Tratamento clareador de dente não vital com alteração de cor após trauma: dois anos de acompanhamento

Autores: Flávio Henrique Baggio Aguiar, Luís Alexandre Maffei Sartini Paulillo, Débora Alves Nunes Leite Lima, Laura Nobre Ferra, Lúcia Trazzi Prieto,

Resinas compostas nos últimos 10 anos – revisão da literatura. Parte 5: pigmentação e envelhecimento

Autores: Paulo Vinicius Soares, Amanda Ribeiro Wobido, Daniel Oliveira Piqui, Livia Fávaro Zeola,

Com preparo ou sem preparo nos laminados cerâmicos

Autores: Rodolfo Bruniera Anchieta, Lucas Silveira Machado,

Resinas compostas nos últimos 10 anos - revisão da literatura. Parte 6: longevidade

Autores: Paulo Vinicius Soares, Amanda Ribeiro Wobido, Livia Fávaro Zeola, Luísa De Oliveira Fernandes,

Análise de produtos pelo Corpo Editorial da Revista Dental Press - Estética JCDR

Autores: Test Drive Estética,

Associação da proporção áurea dos dentes anteriores superiores e da autopercepção da beleza dentária em pacientes tratados ortodonticamente

Autores: Joselene M. Honorato, Sara A. Freire, Giovana C. Venezian, Ana Paula Terossi De Godoi, William Custodio,

Discutindo a Relação (Cêntrica)

Autores: João Palmieri,

Vamos falar sobre sonhos

Autores: Felipe Augusto Rodrigues Rossi,

Alteração dimensional de troquéis confeccionados com resina epóxi

Autores: Milton Edson Miranda, William Cunha Brandt, Rafael Pino Vitti, Bento Luiz Serraglio, Cléo Fernandes Grassia Júnior,

WK Odontologia

Autores: William Kabbach, Gabriela Miglino Kabbach,

Os equipamentos fotoativadores são todos iguais?

Autores: Marcelo Giannini, Carlos Alberto Kenji Shimokawa,


Autores: Paulo Vinicius Soares,

Avaliação da rugosidade promovida por diferentes concentrações e tempos de exposição ao ácido fluorídrico em superfícies de cerâmica reforçada por dissilicato de lítio

Autores: Diogo De Azevedo Miranda, Ana Paula De Almeida Nunes, Ana Paula Silva De Mello, Karla Lorene De França Leite, Elson Braga De Mello,

Clínicos versus pesquisadores

Autores: Aloísio Oro Spazzin,

A reabsorção dentária por substituição pode receber implantes, e a osseointegração será normal

Autores: Alberto Consolaro,

O que utilizar, sistemas adesivos convencionais ou autocondicionantes?

Autores: Silvia Alencar Gonçalves, Marcos Oliveira Barceleiro, Sérgio Eduardo De Paiva Gonçalves, Camillo Anauate Neto,

Proteção EZDOC

Autores: Marco Antonio Guedes,

Como ter precisão na confecção de um pilar customizado em zircônia sobre implante no fluxo digital

Autores: Marcos Alexandre Fadanelli,

Thiago Ottoboni

Autores: Thiago Ottoboni,

The honest dentist: lockdown

I HAD DONE AN EDITORIAL FOR THIS NUMBER, but, in the face of everything we saw and faced, I decided to write another one. I hope that you reflect on this text.

Autores: Ronaldo Hirata,

messages.RevistaAutores: editorial,

Interview - Milena Cadenaro

MILENA CADENARO, GRADUATED IN DENTISTRY AND DOCTORATE IN MATERIALS Science in University of Trieste, Italy. Associate Professor in Dental Materials and Pediatric Denstistry of Department of Medical Science, University of Trieste, Italy. Director of the Specialization Course in Pediatric...

Autores: Marcelo Giannini, Eduardo Moreira da Silva, Milena Cadenaro,

messages.RevistaAutores: entrevista,

Bleaching treatment of devital tooth with color changes after trauma: a 2-years follow-up

The question of esthetics is a major concern in dentistry today. The color of the teeth is an important factor, since the color harmony is perceived quickly. The single discoloured tooth can be a challenge in obtaining an aesthetic outcome in the anterior region. This case report describes the...

Autores: Flávio Henrique Baggio Aguiar, Luís Alexandre Maffei Sartini Paulillo, Débora Alves Nunes Leite Lima, Lúcia Trazzi Prieto, Jéssica Dias Theobaldo, Laura Nobre Ferraz,

messages.RevistaAutores: Tooth bleaching, Endodontics, Bleaching Agents,

Composite resin in the last 10 years – literature review. Part 5: pigmentation and aging

Introduction: This is the fifty of six articles which present a general view about composite resins in the last 10 years. Composite resins were created with the aim of restoring damaged tooth structures, improving function and esthetic of a smile. Despite of their excellent mechanical...

Autores: Paulo Vinicius Soares, Amanda Ribeiro Wobido, Daniel Oliveira Piqui, Livia Fávaro Zeola,


Com preparo ou sem preparo nos laminados cerâmicos

CONTINUANDO COM O OBJETIVO DE ABORDAR os principais temas da Odontologia atual, baseando- se em evidências para a construção das opiniões, realizou-se uma abordagem nos artigos que discutem os conceitos de preparos para lentes e laminados cerâmicos. Cada vez mais, tem sido comum a...

Autores: Rodolfo Bruniera Anchieta, Lucas Silveira Machado,


Composite resin in the last 10 years – literature review. Part 6: longevity

Introduction: This is the last article of a series of six manuscripts about composite resins in the last 10 years. The composite resin is widely used in clinical dental practice and the knowledge of it behavior in long-term is necessary. Thus, the aim of this literature review is evaluate...

Autores: Paulo Vinicius Soares, Amanda Ribeiro Wobido, Livia Fávaro Zeola, Luísa De Oliveira Fernandes,

messages.RevistaAutores: Composites, Longevity, Composite resin,

Test drive Esthetics



Association of gold proportion of maxillary anterior teeth and dental beauty self-perception of orthodontic patients

Objective: To evaluate the golden proportion of the perceived clinical crown widths of maxillary anterior teeth in orthodontic treated patients and to assess its association with self-perception of dental esthetic concerns. Methods: A group (n=40) of young adults with fi nalized orthodontic...

Autores: Joselene M. Honorato, Sara A. Freire, Giovana C. Venezian, Ana Paula Terossi De Godoi, William Custodio,

messages.RevistaAutores: orthodontics, Esthetics, Dental beauty, Golden proportion, Anthropometric analysis,

Discussing (Centric) Relationship

THE DEFINITION OF CENTRIC RELATION (CR) AND its clinical application still generate much controversy within dentistry. The latest version of the Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms (GPT-9) defines Centric Relation as “a maxillomandibular relationship, independent of tooth contact, in which the...

Autores: João Palmieri,


Let’s talk about dreams

I believe we are so immersed in our daily routines that we do not stop to think about the real meaning of our profession

Autores: Felipe Augusto Rodrigues Rossi,


Dimensional accuracy with epoxy resin models

Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the dimensional accuracy of models made with type IV dental stone and epoxy resin with different base/catalyst pastes ratios. Methods: A metallic maxillary model with 14 and 16 teeth prepared for full crown without 15 tooth was used...

Autores: Milton Edson Miranda, William Cunha Brandt, Rafael Pino Vitti, Bento Luiz Serraglio, Cléo Fernandes Grassia Júnior,

messages.RevistaAutores: Epoxy Resin, Dental Stone, Dimensional Chanfe,

WK Odontologia

FOR US AT WK ODONTOLOGIA, OFFERING PATIENTS a comfortable and welcoming environment has always been the most important. After all, they are fully trusting the health of your smile in our hands. Therefore, some concepts have guided us since the beginning; among them, mainly, the integration with...

Autores: William Kabbach, Gabriela Miglino Kabbach,


Are the light curing units all the same?

AFTER EMPHASIZING THE IMPORTANCE OF THE PHOTOACTIVATION in the modern Dentistry, the next question, that is one of the most frequent when the topic is light curing, is: “Are the light curing units all the same?”. There are light curing units from different brands, with different colors,...

Autores: Marcelo Giannini, Carlos Alberto Kenji Shimokawa,



WE LIVE IN A TIME OF INTENSE DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGE. Regardless of profession, area or specialty. We have never had so much access to information.

Autores: Paulo Vinicius Soares,


Evaluation of roughness promoted by different concentrations and exposure times to hydrofluoric acid on ceramic surfaces reinforced by lithium dissilicate

Introduction: Lithium disilicate-based ceramics have optical properties that make them stand out, and adhesion to the remaining dental structure is obtained from the sensitivity of this group of material to the action of hydrofluoric acid (AF), which allows the exposure of crystals of lithium...

Autores: Diogo De Azevedo Miranda, Ana Paula De Almeida Nunes, Ana Paula Silva De Mello, Karla Lorene De França Leite, Elson Braga De Mello,

messages.RevistaAutores: Hydrofluoric acid, Dental Porcelain, Scanning Electron Microscopy,

Clinicians versus researchers

I AM ADDRESSING ABOUT A TOPIC THAT MAY BE LITTLE uncomfortable for some professionals, but it is a constructive criticism for the great area of dentistry. I believe that, many of you see the existing gap, unfortunately, between the knowledge generated daily by researchers and its clinical...

Autores: Aloísio Oro Spazzin,


Replacement resorption can receive implants, and the osseointegration will be normal

PEOPLE WITH TEETH PRESERVED IN THEIR function and aesthetics may have tooth loss, which is usually associated with dental trauma. This is because there was a root fracture or traumatic injury induced alveolodental ankylosis followed naturally by tooth resorption by replacement (Fig. 1 and 2).

Autores: Alberto Consolaro,


Etch-and-rinse or self-etch adhesive systems, which is the best option?

THAT SELF-ETCH ADHESIVE SYSTEMS ARE ALREADY A REALITY in Restorative Dentistry worldwide, no one doubts. The number of scientific articles available, laboratory, clinical or even systematic reviews, demonstrating the quality and reliability of these systems is very large, and in general, possibly,...

Autores: Silvia Alencar Gonçalves, Marcos Oliveira Barceleiro, Sérgio Eduardo De Paiva Gonçalves, Camillo Anauate Neto,


EZDOC protection


Autores: Marco Antonio Guedes,


How to achieve precision in the manufacturing of a customized zirconium implant abutment when using a digital workflow

IN MY PREVIOUS COLUMN, I HAVE DESCRIBED the adhesive cementation protocol that should be used to bond customized Ti-based zirconia implant abutments in implant-supported restorations.

Autores: Marcos Alexandre Fadanelli,


Instagram: naked and raw

First, I would like to send you our warm embrace in this very difficult moment the whole humanity is going through. A situation never experienced before, when we are all aware of what we are learning to be a better human being as soon as this is all over. I, for example, have learned a lot and...

Autores: Thiago Ottoboni,


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