Autores: Mauricio Queiroz,
Autores: Camila S. Sampaio, Pablo J. Atria,
Autores: Marcos Alexandre Fadanelli,
Autores: Anna Luiza Szesz, Gilberto Antonio Borges, Laís Carvalho Martins, Anália Gabriella Borges Ferraz, Thiago Assunção Valentino, Luis Henrique Borges, Saturnino Calabrez Filho,
Autores: Murilo Baena Lopes,
Autores: Yasmine Mendes Pupo, Allan Gustavo Nagata, William Fernandes Lacerda, Caroline Aparecida De Camargo, Ivana Froede Neiva,
Autores: Marcos De Oliveira Barceleiro,
Autores: Mauro Sayão De Miranda, Fernanda Signorelli Calazans, Marcelino José Dos Anjos, Ramon Silva Dos Santos, Rafael Pinto De Mendonça, Thárcila De Medeiros Jabor Ferreira, Gabriela Ribeiro Pereira, Joaquim Teixeira De Assis,
Autores: Test Drive Estética,
Autores: Thiago Ottoboni,
Autores: Felipe Augusto Rodrigues Rossi,
Autores: Marcos De Oliveira Barceleiro, Fernanda Signorelli Calazans, Flávio Warol, Angela Scarparo, Roberta Barcelos,
Autores: Jose Bahillo, Andrea Pinilla, Marta Bahillo, Irene Tarazón,
Autores: Rodolfo Bruniera Anchieta, Lucas Silveira Machado,
Autores: Marina Da Rosa Kaizer, Camila Gonçalves Duarte, Lisia Lorea Valente, Giana Da Silveira Lima, Rafael R. Moraes,
Autores: Alberto Consolaro, Dario A. Oliveira Miranda,
Autores: Bruna De Carvalho Farias Vajgel, Paulo Roberto Eleutério De Souza, Renata Cimões, Rayanne Soraia Aguiar De Melo Dia, Betânia Ferreira,
I’m not entirely sure if I always enjoyed challenges or, more likely, if I forced myself to accept them as something that will make sense at some point. Do not be fooled, reader, I love the comfort zone, but great stories are not created watching soap opera on the couch at home, or wondering...
Autores: Ronaldo Hirata,
The concept behind Ateliê Oral, a high-standard specialized dental practi ce, includes performing extensive dental works within short periods of ti me. The Ateliê was sti ll located elsewhere by the ti me my wife went there for an appointment, and it didn’t take long for me to realize that it...
Autores: Mauricio Queiroz,
Introduction: The use of digital technology in dentistry is already part of the routine of many dentists and laboratories, after the development and improvement of the CAD/CAM and 3D-printing technologies. Methods: By means of a case report, a digital workflow for image acquisition and...
Autores: Camila S. Sampaio, Pablo J. Atria,
messages.RevistaAutores: Resin composite, 3D-printing, Direct restoration,
n our previous issue, I discussed the importance of following the correct steps for the placement of immediate implants. I also claimed that one of the essential steps for the success of such procedure is the correct provisionalization. Well, let us talk a little about this topic now.
Autores: Marcos Alexandre Fadanelli,
The characteristics involved in the mechanism of adhesion between fiber post, cementum and root dentin have been extensively studied in different approaches, including treatments on the surface of the post and/or dentine, characteristics of the intraradicular fiber post and also the materials used...
Autores: Anna Luiza Szesz, Gilberto Antonio Borges, Laís Carvalho Martins, Anália Gabriella Borges Ferraz, Thiago Assunção Valentino, Luis Henrique Borges, Saturnino Calabrez Filho,
messages.RevistaAutores: Polymerization, Fiber posts, Root dentin,
With the massification of digital media, the internet “expert” becomes more common than ever. It is not within the sole domain of dentistry, but rather a privilege of all areas: health professionals know about law, lawyers are keen on engineering, physicians understand what architects do,...
Autores: Murilo Baena Lopes,
ABSTRACT: Posterior teeth restorations present as basic requests the functional and aesthetic reconstruction of the dental element. For this, it is necessary to understand the technique and materials available to restore the tooth structure. The evolution of loading particles present in...
Autores: Yasmine Mendes Pupo, Allan Gustavo Nagata, William Fernandes Lacerda, Caroline Aparecida De Camargo, Ivana Froede Neiva,
messages.RevistaAutores: Composite Resins, Nanoparticles, Dental polishing ,
As I was wondering about what to write to open this section of the Brazilian Group of Restorative Dentistry Professors, I was a bit uncertain about what subject to tackle. The initial idea was to bring about and question the current trends in Restorative Dentistry, like the ultrafine veneers,...
Autores: Marcos De Oliveira Barceleiro,
ABSTRACT: Objective: The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate — by X-ray fluorescence technique (XRF), surface Vickers microhardness (VM) and SEM — the effect of the following products in bovine enamel submitted to acidic challenges: nanoparticles of calcium hydroxyapatite (nano- HAp),...
Autores: Mauro Sayão De Miranda, Fernanda Signorelli Calazans, Marcelino José Dos Anjos, Ramon Silva Dos Santos, Rafael Pinto De Mendonça, Thárcila De Medeiros Jabor Ferreira, Gabriela Ribeiro Pereira, Joaquim Teixeira De Assis,
messages.RevistaAutores: CPP-ACP, Fluoride, Dental erosion, Nanohydroxyapatite,
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: The 3MTM FiltekTM One Bulk Fill is a light-cured composite resin that aims to opti mize the restorati ons, making the restorati ve procedure easy and fast. This material provides excellent mechanical resistance and low wear, with better estheti cs and excellent longevity ....
Everything in life evolves, transits, changes; the internet has come to stay, technologies also, and the current restorati ve denti stry, in tu rn, goes through a transiti on that orthodonti cs and implantology have passed, and now estheti cs is the next in line. When well indicated and...
Autores: Thiago Ottoboni,
When I was invited to participate in this project, I had a tremendous will to awaken the awareness of dentists, to look out of their offices, out of the bubble in which we spend hours and maybe some spend the entire life. But fortunately, I abandoned the idea that might seem my presumption, and...
Autores: Felipe Augusto Rodrigues Rossi,
This study evaluated the effect of whitening dentifrices on the microshear bond strength ( CM) to the dental enamel at different times elapsed after the completion of the whitening protocol. Thirty samples from 15 third molars were divided into six groups: G1 and G4 (Crest baking soda &...
Autores: Marcos De Oliveira Barceleiro, Fernanda Signorelli Calazans, Flávio Warol, Angela Scarparo, Roberta Barcelos,
messages.RevistaAutores: Hydrogen peroxide, Dental enamel, Tooth whitening, Dentifrice, Bond, Carbamide peroxide, Microshear,
One of the key tools to control the presence of a visible gingival margin in anterior regions may be the utilization of the biologically oriented preparation technique, helping to enhance the quality of periodontal tissues and extending their stability over time. Currently, there is a wide array of...
Autores: Jose Bahillo, Andrea Pinilla, Marta Bahillo, Irene Tarazón,
messages.RevistaAutores: bopt, Vertical preparation, Lithium disilicate crown , Adhesive dentistry,
T he objecti ve of this secti on is to summarize a few topics that were published and discussed on the indexed journals, approaching themes that are clinically relevant. The subject chosen for this editi on are bulk-fi ll composite resins. This kind of composite allows greater light curing depth...
Autores: Rodolfo Bruniera Anchieta, Lucas Silveira Machado,
Introduction: The purpose of the present study was to prepare and apply antiadherent, hydrophobic coatings on dental poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA). Methods: Microwave thermal-polymerized PMMA disc-shaped specimens were prepared (10 mm diameter × 2 mm thickness). Two hydrophobic solutions were...
Autores: Marina Da Rosa Kaizer, Camila Gonçalves Duarte, Lisia Lorea Valente, Giana Da Silveira Lima, Rafael R. Moraes,
messages.RevistaAutores: Polymethyl methacrylate, Surface Properties, Hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions,
Oral aphthae may be prevented by maintaining the mucosal integrity, and such lesions may occur at the site of penetration of the anesthetic needle. In these cases, a gel may be indicated soon after completion of anesthesia, explaining this approach to the patient. Some individuals with aphthae...
Autores: Alberto Consolaro, Dario A. Oliveira Miranda,
messages.RevistaAutores: Aphthae, Oral anesthesia, Small aphthae, Mickulicz aphthae,
Objective: Considering the role of MBL2 in innate immunity and its importance for periodontitis — infectious multifactorial disease —, this study aimed to evaluate the association of the MBL2 gene polymorphism with the presence of periodontal pathogens in patients with chronic periodontitis....
Autores: Bruna De Carvalho Farias Vajgel, Paulo Roberto Eleutério De Souza, Renata Cimões, Rayanne Soraia Aguiar De Melo Dia, Betânia Ferreira,
messages.RevistaAutores: Polymorphism, single nucleotide, Polymerase chain reaction, Chronic periodontitis,
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