Estética | JCDR 2017 v14n4 - DentalGO

Escâner Intra-Oral: chegou o momento de investir em um?

Autores: Oswaldo Scopin De Andrade,

Metamorfose cálcica da polpa não é calcificação pulpar

Autores: Alberto Consolaro,

Um tratamento de baixo custo

Autores: William Kabbach,

Como realizar uma reabilitação oral complexa em etapas de acordo com o fluxo financeiro conveniente para os pacientes, proporcionando, já na primeira etapa: saúde, função e estética

Autores: José Arbex Filho, Andrea Murta Lott MontAlverne, Flavia Pedrosa Vieira De Melo, Ana Paula De Paiva Gontijo,

Planejamento digital associado à cirurgia periodontal para resolução estética

Autores: José Vitor Quinelli Mazaro, Adriana Cristina Zavanelli, Rodrigo Sversut De Alexandre, Otavio Marino Santos Neto, Natalia Delgado De Moraes Salles, Ricardo Alexandre Zavanelli,

Técnicas conservadoras para o tratamento da fluorose dentária: relato de caso clínico

Autores: Natasha Muniz Fontes, Ticiana Pessoa, Maria Elisa Martins,

Performance clínica das resinas compostas bulk fill de baixa e alta viscosidade: 6 meses de acompanhamento

Autores: José Mondelli, Marilia Velo, Natália Almeida Bastos, Maria Angélica Sivério Agulhari, Tamires De Luccas Bueno, Juliana Fraga Soares Bombonatti,

Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas de resinas compostas com prazo de validade expirado. Primeiro teste: contração volumétrica

Autores: Rafael Avellar De Carvalho Nunes, Diogo Pedrollo Lise,

Reabilitação posterior de mandíbula atrófica com implantes curtos e extracurtos: relato de dois casos

Autores: Alexandre Da Silveira Gerzson, Marcela Manzoni Bravo, Gabriel Seger Teixeira, Luis Artur Zenni Lopes,

Influência da iluminação auxiliar, acoplada à turbina de alta rotação, nas dimensões cavitárias durante a substituição de restaurações estéticas

Autores: Renata Corrêa Pascotto, Bruna M. Bertol De Oliveira, Marina França, Samuel Kaik Lima, Gabriela Zorzi, Nallu Gomes Lima Hironaka, Bruna Gonçalves,

Estudo clínico do índice de sangramento em cirurgias orais em pacientes sob terapia anticoagulante ou antiplaquetária

Autores: Carla Salvi, Luiz Alberto Formighieri, Rosana Da Silva Berticelli, Fabiana Seguin, Greison Rabelo De Oliveira,

Avaliação da sorção e solubilidade de adesivos dentinários submetidos a diferentes tempos de fotoativação

Autores: Klissia Romero Felizardo, Larissa Carvalho Bonora, Lauana Carvalho Bonora, Murilo Baena Lopes,

Intra-oral scanner: The time has come to invest in one?

This is one of the most frequent questions I have been asked in recent months. Not just me, but many professionals both in the clinical and laboratorial area, as well as in companies in the field. Obviously, it has not a simple answer. First, it involves the verb “to invest”. The decision to...

Autores: Oswaldo Scopin De Andrade,


Calcific metamorphosis of the pulp is not pulp calcification

Abstract: Dysplastic dentin deposited in pulp spaces by cells transformed into odontoblasts to survive a concussion-type dental trauma should not be called calcification or pulp mineralization, but metaplasia or calcific metamorphosis of the pulp. Fibrosing and pulpal hyalinization, followed by...

Autores: Alberto Consolaro,

messages.RevistaAutores: Calcific metamorphosis of the pulp, Calcifications of the dental pulp, Pulp nodules, Diffuse pulp calcifications,

A low cost treatment

Composite resins are the lowest cost option when thinking about techniques for the esthetic treatment of teeth. This characteristic, however, is little commented, but, from my point of view, taking into account daily practice in an office, cost can be decisive at the time of closing the...

Autores: William Kabbach,


How to perform a complex oral rehabilitation in stages according to the convenient financial flow for the patients, providing, in the first stage: health, function and aesthetics

INTRODUCTION For each patient we treat, it is necessary to analyze individually the current moment of their lives, their main complaints and what investment they can make at that moment. Many times, there should be means for the patient to be treated in a segmented way. In this type of...

Autores: José Arbex Filho, Andrea Murta Lott MontAlverne, Flavia Pedrosa Vieira De Melo, Ana Paula De Paiva Gontijo,


Digital planning associated with periodontal surgery for aesthetic resolution

Introduction: The Digital Smile Design (DSD) is a relevant tool in prosthetic planning, allowing to predict modifications desired by the patient, guiding surgeries and contributing to the final treatment outcome. The ceramic veneers stand out for the ability to mimic the dental characteristics,...

Autores: José Vitor Quinelli Mazaro, Adriana Cristina Zavanelli, Rodrigo Sversut De Alexandre, Otavio Marino Santos Neto, Natalia Delgado De Moraes Salles, Ricardo Alexandre Zavanelli,

messages.RevistaAutores: ceramics, Periodontics, esthetics, dental.,

Conservative techniques for treatment of dental fluorosis: clinical case report

Abstract: Fluoride is a very important element in preventing tooth decay, but fluoride intake exceeding recommended amounts can cause acute/chronic intoxication or fluorosis. Dental fluorosis is a consequence of excessive fluoride intake during the development of teeth (especially during the...

Autores: Natasha Muniz Fontes, Ticiana Pessoa, Maria Elisa Martins,

messages.RevistaAutores: Tooth bleaching, enamel microabrasion, fluorosis,dental.,

Clinical performance of low and high-viscosity bulk fill resin composites: Six-month follow-up

Abstract: Bulk fill resin composites have been introduced with the particularity to be placed in 4-mm thick bulks without adverse effects on polymerization shrinkage and cavity adaptation. Clinically, widely destroyed teeth are easily restored, thus reducing chair time. The present case reports...

Autores: José Mondelli, Marilia Velo, Natália Almeida Bastos, Maria Angélica Sivério Agulhari, Tamires De Luccas Bueno, Juliana Fraga Soares Bombonatti,

messages.RevistaAutores: bulk-fill, Polymerization shrinkage, Composite resin,

Evaluation of mechanical properties of composite resins with shelf life expired. First test: volumetric shinkrage

Objective: To evaluate the volumetric shrinkage of different brands of composite resin 6 months after the expiration date, using a video/imaging system (Acuvol, Bisco). Methods: Composite resin increments of approximately 15µL were placed on a teflon pedestal and the initial sample perimeter...

Autores: Rafael Avellar De Carvalho Nunes, Diogo Pedrollo Lise,

messages.RevistaAutores: Dental materials, Dental restoration, permanent, date of validity of products,

Atrophic jaw posterior rehabilitation with short and extra-short implants: two cases report

Introduction: The remodeling and subsequent atrophy of the alveolar bone directly interferes in bone availability, creating limits to treatment with conventional implants. The rehabilitation option with short and extra-short implants has become increasingly accepted in implant dentistry. This is...

Autores: Alexandre Da Silveira Gerzson, Marcela Manzoni Bravo, Gabriel Seger Teixeira, Luis Artur Zenni Lopes,

messages.RevistaAutores: Osseointegration, Dental implants, Oral surgical procedures, Preprosthetic, Surgery, oral,

Influence of auxiliary lighting, attached to high-speed turbine, in cavity dimensions during replacement of esthetic restoration

Objective: To evaluate the influence of an auxiliary lightning (ultraviolet and white light), attached to a high-speed turbine, in the cavity dimensions after substitution of Class III composite resin restorations. Methods: Class III cavities with vestibular access were prepared in 36 artificial...

Autores: Renata Corrêa Pascotto, Bruna M. Bertol De Oliveira, Marina França, Samuel Kaik Lima, Gabriela Zorzi, Nallu Gomes Lima Hironaka, Bruna Gonçalves,

messages.RevistaAutores: Dental Restoration, permanent, fluorescence, dental cavity preparation,

Clinical study of bleeding index in oral surgery in patients under anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy

Introduction: It was performed a clinical evaluation of the incidence of bleeding in various oral surgical procedures in patients taking anticoagulants (such as warfarin sodium and heparin) or antiplatelet therapy (such as acetylsalicylic acid), as well as the efficacy of tranexamic acid,...

Autores: Carla Salvi, Luiz Alberto Formighieri, Rosana Da Silva Berticelli, Fabiana Seguin, Greison Rabelo De Oliveira,

messages.RevistaAutores: thromboembolism, anticoagulants, Tranexamic acid,

Evaluation of sorption and solubility of dental adhesives submitted to different light-curing

Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of different photoactivation times (10, 15, 30 and 60 seconds) on the sorption and solubility of adhesives Ambar, Scotchbond Multi-Purpose (SMP), Single Bond 2-SB (SB2), Single Bond Universal (SBU) and Ambar Universal (AU). Methods:...

Autores: Klissia Romero Felizardo, Larissa Carvalho Bonora, Murilo Baena Lopes,

messages.RevistaAutores: light-curing of dental adhesives, solubility, adhesives,

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