Estética | JCDR 2017 v14n1 - DentalGO

Propriedade intelectual e a Odontologia atual

Autores: Oswaldo Scopin De Andrade,

Abrir cervejas com os dentes induz fratura dentária, reabsorções e necrose pulpar asséptica!

Autores: Alberto Consolaro,

Planejamento das margens das restaurações

Autores: William Kabbach,

SNAPSHOT: um novo olhar sobre o belo

Autores: Mike Bueno,

O momento da transição das resinas compostas para os laminados cerâmicos e as “lentes de contato”

Autores: José Arbex Filho,

Planejamento estético e tratamento multidisciplinar em macrodontias no segmento anterior: estudo de caso

Autores: Fernando Autrán Mateu, Maria Alejandra Millan Sequeda, José Miguel Castro Hoyle,

Controlando a opacidade e translucidez em facetas de resina composta de dentes escurecidos

Autores: Cristian Higashi, Antonio S. Sakamoto Jr,

A importância do planejamento multidisciplinar em casos de uso de cerâmicas com pouco ou nenhum desgaste em área estética: relato de caso clínico

Autores: Carlos Eduardo Pena, Luiz Fernando Ortega, Renan Dalla Soares, Alessandra Sanches Coelho, Fernando Falchi,

Abordagem multidisciplinar para reabilitação estética do sorriso com laminados cerâmicos minimamente invasivos

Autores: Guilherme Faria Moura, Paulo Vinicius Soares, Natalli Fernanda Barbosa Faria, Igor Oliveiros Cardoso, Analice Giovani Pereira,

Expansão maxilar em duas etapas usando barreira de polipropileno: relato de caso

Autores: Paul Christian Medina Llantoy, Nohemi Amelia Ticona Humani,

TiBrush® uma alternativa na descontaminação da superfície do implante: caso clínico

Autores: Francisco Correia, Ana Lemos Costa, Ricardo Faria Almeida,

Tratamento de discromia gengival causada por melanose racial, realizado por meio de despigmentação com dermoabrasão: relato de caso comparativo de duas técnicas

Autores: Rodolfo José Gomes De Araújo, Felipe Vilhena Brilhante, Deise Kersten Alves Ferreira, Bruna De Fátima Kzam Soeiro Do Nascimento,

Estudo retrospectivo observacional do índice de sobrevivência de implantes de superfície SLActive®

Autores: Eduardo Sanches Gonçales, Rodolfo Francisco, Andréa Guedes Barreto Gonçales, Alexandre Simões Nogueira, Fábio Sanches Magalhães Tunes,

Intellectual property and current Dentistry

While restructuring this journal, one of the points discussed was how the covers of each edition would be if we used photos of teeth, models, drawings, etc. Between those and other ideas, we decided that we would use photos that, at some point, brought an emotion or reflection. Maybe that has...

Autores: Oswaldo Scopin De Andrade,


Opening beer bottles using teeth induces dental fracture, resorptions and aseptic pulp necrosis!

Abstract: Opening beer bottles with teeth is a habit that should be discouraged, especially in public acts, such as TV shows and advertisements, as there is a great potential of harming the teeth. Similar act can cause several consequences, such as: 1) dental fractures; 2) aseptic pulp necrosis...

Autores: Alberto Consolaro,

messages.RevistaAutores: Dental resorption, Dental trauma, Pulp necrosis, Dental fracture, Dental darkening,

Planning of restorations margins

In any procedure involving the application of a material to the dental structure, there will be a “transition area”, whatever the restorative material, ceramics or composite resins, made by the direct or indirect technique. It is a region that involves the tooth/restoration transition area,...

Autores: William Kabbach,


a fresh look at the beautiful

Autores: Mike Bueno,


The timing of transition from composite resins to ceramic laminate veneers and “contact lenses”

Philosophy of work is one of the most important instruments in the day to day of any dental professional. It comes from our background and professional experience over the years. One of the issues discussed at present is when choosing between composite ceramic and resin, as discussed earlier in...

Autores: José Arbex Filho,


Aesthetic planning and multidisciplinary treatment in cases with macrodontia in the anterior segment: a case report

Abstract: The presence of macrodontic teeth in the upper anterior segment entails an important imbalance in smile harmony, jeopardizing dental proportions, symmetry and dental disposition due to a difference between the required and the available space. This article aims to describe the...

Autores: Fernando Autrán Mateu, Maria Alejandra Millan Sequeda, José Miguel Castro Hoyle,

messages.RevistaAutores: Macrodontia, Aesthetic planning, Aesthetic treatment, Dental composites,

Adjusting opacity and translucency of composite resin veneers in discolored teeth

Abstract: The search for dental treatments is not limited to painful situations or prosthetic rehabilitations. The restorations of shape, function and color discrepancy of teeth are major complaints: with the intention of improving aesthetics of the smile, these patients seek dental offices. The...

Autores: Cristian Higashi, Antonio S. Sakamoto Jr,

messages.RevistaAutores: Endodontics, Dentistry, Color, Dental care, Composites resins,

The importance of multidisciplinary planning in cases using ceramics with little or no preparation in aesthetic area: clinical case report

Abstract: The use of ceramics called “contact lenses”, or without preparation, has grown a lot in recent years in clinical practice. Although it seems the best treatment choice, in many cases, this treatment approach is not possible. The simplification of the term often leads the clinician...

Autores: Carlos Eduardo Pena, Luiz Fernando Ortega, Renan Dalla Soares, Alessandra Sanches Coelho, Fernando Falchi,

messages.RevistaAutores: mock-up, Contact lenses, Ceramic laminates,

Multidisciplinary approach for rehabilitation of smile aesthetics with minimally invasive ceramic veneers

Abstract: Minimally invasive ceramic laminates are a treatment option for smile cosmetic rehabilitation, providing greater conservation of structure and mimicking dental structures. The association of periodontal surgical techniques and reverse planning enhances aesthetic result desired. The...

Autores: Guilherme Faria Moura, Paulo Vinicius Soares, Natalli Fernanda Barbosa Faria, Igor Oliveiros Cardoso, Analice Giovani Pereira,

messages.RevistaAutores: dental, Esthetics, ceramics, Periodontics, Tooth Preparation,

Two-stage maxillary expansion using polypropylene barrier: case report

Abstract: Bone loss after extraction is inevitable. Due to the different factors relative to resorption and bone remodeling, bone ridge will undergo different changes in horizontal and vertical structures until it reaches atrophy, which is a challenge not only for Implantology, but also for...

Autores: Paul Christian Medina Llantoy, Nohemi Amelia Ticona Humani,

messages.RevistaAutores: Bone regeneration, Polypropylene, Prostheses and implants, Tissue preservation, Granulation tissue,

TiBrush® as an alternative to decontaminate the implant surface: case report

Abstract: Peri-implant diseases are inflammatory lesions that develop around the tissues that surround osseointegrated dental implants and can be differenced in two entities: peri-implant mucositis (a reversible inflammatory reaction that affects only the soft tissues surrounding the implant in...

Autores: Francisco Correia, Ana Lemos Costa, Ricardo Faria Almeida,

messages.RevistaAutores: Dental implants, Decontamination, Peri-implantitis,

Dermabrasion treatment of gingival dyschromia caused by racial melanosis: case report comparing two techniques

Abstract: Gingival pigmentation results from excessive production of melanin by melanocytes in the basal layer of the epithelium. Gingival pigmentation consists of dark spots located on masticatory mucosa, most commonly in the attached gingiva or free gingiva, caused by different etiologies. This...

Autores: Rodolfo José Gomes De Araújo, Felipe Vilhena Brilhante, Deise Kersten Alves Ferreira, Bruna De Fátima Kzam Soeiro Do Nascimento,

messages.RevistaAutores: Esthetics, Periodontics, Surgery, oral, Pigmentation,

Retrospective observational study of the survival rate of SLActive® surface implants

Introduction: Dental implants have a prominent role in the rehabilitation of edentulous patients, with satisfactory and predictable clinical outcomes, especially in relation to its survival rate over time. The need for high levels of success and survival rates, even in situations with reduced...

Autores: Eduardo Sanches Gonçales, Rodolfo Francisco, Andréa Guedes Barreto Gonçales, Alexandre Simões Nogueira, Fábio Sanches Magalhães Tunes,

messages.RevistaAutores: Dental implants, Surface Properties, Survival rate,

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