Estética | JCDR 2016 v13n3 - DentalGO

O gênio da Odontologia

Autores: Oswaldo Scopin De Andrade,

Posso preparar o dente que a polpa resistirá às agressões operatórias? Critérios para avaliar a capacidade reparatória, reacional e defensiva da polpa antes de procedimentos operatórios. O complexo dentinopulpar envelhece ou se adapta?

Autores: Alberto Consolaro,

Textos acadêmicos e não-acadêmicos na área da Saúde

Autores: Paulo G. Coelho,

SNAPSHOT : um novo olhar sobre o belo

Autores: Cristiano Xavier,

Resina composta direta x laminados cerâmicos: a escolha

Autores: José Arbex Filho,

A importância do enceramento diagnóstico para realizar restaurações estéticas em resina composta em dentes anteriores com maior previsibilidade

Autores: Thiago Dias Oliveira Ottoboni, Rui Isidro Falacho,

Toxina botulínica tipo A associada a cirurgia gengival ressectiva no manejo do sorriso gengival

Autores: Irineu Gregnanin Pedron,

Avaliação da percepção estética do sorriso por leigos e acadêmicos de Odontologia

Autores: Laís Guedes Alcoforado De Carvalho, Gregório Márcio De Figueirêdo Rodrigues, Rosângela Marque Duarte, Robinsom Viégas Montenegro, Ana Karina Maciel De Andrade,

Osteotomia segmentar com enxerto interposicional na região posterior da mandíbula: relato de caso

Autores: Claudio Ferreira Nóia, Catarina Soares Silveira, Luanna Farias De Melo, Hélio Chagas De Oliveira Júnior, Bruno Costa Martins De Sá,

Influência do método de pós-cura na eficiência da cura e rugosidade de resinas compostas diretas em restaurações indiretas

Autores: Jamille Favarão, Ronaldo Hirata, Dayane Carvalho Ramos Salles De Oliveira, Eduardo José Souza Junior, Regina Maria Puppin Rontani, Adam Lee Dobson, Mário Alexandre Coelho Sinhoreti,

Cárie oculta: técnica da réplica oclusal atualizada

Autores: Luíz Narciso Baratieri, Sylvio Monteiro Junior, Daniel Alexandre Menezes Pedrosa Malta,

The Dentistry genius

In all areas of knowledge, and particularly in health areas, in which Dentistry is included, there are people that stand out due to several qualities

Autores: Oswaldo Scopin De Andrade,

messages.RevistaAutores: editorial,

With tooth preparation, will the pulp resist surgical aggression? or Criteria to assess pulp reparative, reactional and defensive ability before surgical procedures. or Does the dentin-pulp complex age or does it adapt?

Improper use of teeth speeds the process of aging up, leads to changes relative to color and shape, and modifies the morphological, imaging and biological characteristics of the pulp-dentin complex. Rapidly aged pulp has its reparative, reactional and defensive abilities decreased. This should be...

Autores: Alberto Consolaro,

messages.RevistaAutores: Aging, Dental Pulp, Dentin sclerosis, reactive dentin, Darkening, Pulp calcification,

Academic and non-academic texts in healthcare

To my mind, writing this column is such great responsibility, for columns are often published after a limited or nonexistent peer review. Thus, words must be carefully weighed, aiming at the best for our profession and, above all, for patients in general. Columns in academic journals normally...

Autores: Paulo G. Coelho,


SNAPSHOT : a fresh look at the beautiful

Autores: Cristiano Xavier,


Direct composite resin x ceramic laminates: the choice

The aim of this column is to promote reflection and lead the reader to some important considerations on the choice of restorative materials in cases of esthetic restorations – actually, considering clinical criteria for the choice between ceramics and composite resins.

Autores: José Arbex Filho,


The importance of diagnostic wax-up to make predictable composite resin aesthetic restorations in anterior dentition

Composite resin restorations are still important for dentistry due to a number of factors. In order to obtain better results, the clinician should always evaluate its correct indication, treatment planning and execution. All of these steps must be strictly followed and enforced with the minimum...

Autores: Thiago Dias Oliveira Ottoboni, Rui Isidro Falacho,

messages.RevistaAutores: Diagnostic wax-up, Predictability, Composites resins,

Botulinum toxin type A associated with resective gingival surgery for the management of gingival smile

The aim of this article is to present the case of a patient with gingival smile and dentogingival discrepancy who was treated with resective gingival surgery and the application of botulinum toxin type A. Methods: Resective gingival surgery (gingivoplasty) and the application of botulinun toxin...


messages.RevistaAutores: Dental Esthetics, Gingivoplasty, Gingival overgrowth, Botulinum toxin type A,

Evaluation of aesthetic perception of the smile by lay people and dental undergraduate students

Objective: Assess the aesthetic perception of dental undergraduate students and lay people. Methods: The sample consisted of 50 lay people and 50 undergraduate students. Data were collected by means of forms with questions and images, then they were tabulated and subjected to descriptive...

Autores: Laís Guedes Alcoforado De Carvalho, Gregório Márcio De Figueirêdo Rodrigues, Rosângela Marque Duarte, Robinsom Viégas Montenegro, Ana Karina Maciel De Andrade,

messages.RevistaAutores: smile, Dental Esthetics, Shape perception,

Segmental osteotomy with interpositional graft in the posterior mandible: a case report

ntroduction: After tooth loss, bone resorption emerges, which most often results in defects of the alveolar ridge, thus hindering dental implant placement. Bone gain in these regions is a great challenge, especially in terms of height gain. Objective: In this sense, the present study reports a...

Autores: Claudio Ferreira Nóia, Catarina Soares Silveira, Luanna Farias De Melo, Hélio Chagas De Oliveira Júnior, Bruno Costa Martins De Sá,

messages.RevistaAutores: Bone Transplantation, Osteotomy, Alveolar bone loss,

Influence of post-curing method on cure efficiency and roughness of direct resin composites in indirect restorations

Objective: To evaluate the influence of different post-curing methods on cure efficiency and surface roughness of direct composite resins in indirect restorations compared to the conventional light-curing protocol. Material and Methods: Two direct composite resins, one nanofilled (Filtek Z350,...

Autores: Jamille Favarão, Ronaldo Hirata, Dayane Carvalho Ramos Salles De Oliveira, Eduardo José Souza Junior, Adam Lee Dobson, Mário Alexandre Coelho Sinhoreti, Regina Maria Puppin Rontani,

messages.RevistaAutores: Permanent dental restoration, light-curing,

Hidden caries: updated occlusal replica technique

Abstract: This paper presents a creative alternative to restore function and esthetics of a tooth with hidden caries. A bis-acrylic resin occlusal replica was manufactured prior to preparation. The composite resin restoration was quickly manufactured using this replica, preserving the original...

Autores: Luíz Narciso Baratieri, Sylvio Monteiro Junior, Daniel Alexandre Menezes Pedrosa Malta,

messages.RevistaAutores: Dental Caries, Permanent dental restoration, Composites resins,

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