Estética | JCDR 2019 v16n2 - DentalGO
Estética | JCDR 2019 v16n2
Estética | JCDR 2019 v16n2

Publicação Oficial

O dentista sincero: Investimento

Autores: Ronaldo Hirata,

Entrevista com Toru Nikaido

Autores: Marcelo Giannini, Toru Nikaido, Carlos Rocha Gomes Torres,

Retratamento estético-funcional de dentes 46 e 47 com prognóstico duvidoso

Autores: Pablo Castelo Baz, Brais Tubío Pereira, Cristina Vázquez Ferreiro, Benjamín Martín Biedma,

Análise comparativa da precisão na instalação de implantes utilizando a técnica convencional versus a técnica guiada por imagem

Autores: Robert William Emery, Rossano Vinícius Dala Rosa Silva, Breno Monteiro Tavares, Ali Sheikh, Andre Alberto Camara Puppin,

Os melhores artigos de investigação do quadrimestre

Autores: Rodolfo Bruniera Anchieta, Lucas Silveira Machado,

União à resina composta, dentina e interface compósito-dentina no reparo de restaurações

Autores: Rafael R. Moraes, Isabella S. Manso, Lisia L. Valente, Eliseu A. Münchow, Cristina P. Isolan, Fábio G. Lima,

“Era uma vez laminados cerâmicos tão finos, tão finos, mas tão finos mesmo... que alguns nem precisavam existir.”

Autores: Luis Felipe Jochims Schneider,

Autopercepção de cirurgiões-dentistas sobre a seleção da cor em odontologia

Autores: Vinícius Esteves Salgado, Rodrigo Costa Marques, Thais Rodrigues Campos Soares, Larissa Maria Cavalcante, Luis Felipe Schneider,

Clínica Conceito: Estética Dental by Hirata & Higashi

Autores: Letícia Kracik Breda, Luciana Bacchi,

Análise de produtos pelo Corpo Editorial da Revista de Estética JCDR

Autores: Corpo Editorial,

Resinas Compostas nos últimos 10 anos – Revisão da Literatura. Parte 3: Fotoativação e Grau de Conversão

Introdução: este é o terceiro de seis artigos que abordam uma análise geral da literatura sobre resinas compostas nos últimos dez anos. Visto que as resinas compostas são amplamente utilizadas, essa revisão tem como objetivo analisar a relação dos diversos tipos de aparelhos fotoativadores...

Autores: Paulo Vinicius Soares, Igor Oliveiros Cardoso, Amanda Ribeiro Wobido, Bruno Rodrigues Reis, Amanda Monise Dias Silva,

Hábitos da vida moderna: estamos aptos ao manejo desse desfecho?

Autores: Marcos Alexandre Fadanelli,

Simplificando o fechamento de diastemas anteriores com resinas compostas

Autores: Daniel Vargas, Giselle S. Almeida, Eduardo Vargas Da Silva, Eduardo Vargas, Felipe Vargas, André Maia, Dayse Amaral,

Toros Palatino e Mandibular : diagnóstico, significado clínico e bases conceituais

Os toros palatino e mandibular são distúrbios do desenvolvimento do tipo anomalia de forma, com manifestação tardia no crescimento e maturação dos maxilares. Os casos familiares e a persistência dos toros com a idade e em desdentados lhes atribuem uma origem genética, que começa a ser...

Autores: Alberto Consolaro, Renata Bianco Consolaro, Dario Augusto Oliveira Miranda, Omar Hadaya, Ingrid Araújo De Oliveira,

Será que o caminho está certo?

Autores: Marcos Barceleiro,

Sertão que sorri

Autores: Felipe Augusto Rodrigues Rossi,

instagram NU e CRU

Autores: Thiago Ottoboni,

Dr. Playbo...

Autores: Luis Felipe Jochims Schneider,

The sincere dentist: Investment

I always listen: but for Hirata it’s easy to talk; for me it’s harder. Can be. I never was anyone but myself, even so I remember a phrase from Professor Baratiere, whose message of his joke only intelligent people dully understood. He said: “remember I wasn’t born Baratieri, I made...



An interview with Toru Nikaido

Dr. Nikaido graduated as a dental surgeon at Hokkaido University in 1985. In 1990, he completed his PhD at Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), under the supervision of Professor Dr. Nabuo Nakabayashi. Until last year he was a professor, with the position of “Senior Lecturer”, in the...

Autores: Marcelo Giannini, Toru Nikaido, Carlos Rocha Gomes Torres,


Aesthetic and functional retreatment of teeth #46 and #47 with questionable prognosis

Introduction: The decision of whether or not to extract a tooth with questionable prognosis is common in the daily clinic. To make the right decision, we must take into account various factors such as endodontic, periodontal, and restorative prognosis, as well as factors based on patient type,...

Autores: Pablo Castelo Baz, Brais Tubío Pereira, Cristina Vázquez Ferreiro, Benjamín Martín Biedma,

messages.RevistaAutores: Indirect restorations, Non-surgical retreatment, Success, Surgical crown lengthening,

Accuracy analysis of free-handed implant placement compared to a dynamic navigation system

Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the platform, apical and angular accuracy of implant placement using dynamic navigation surgery, and to compare it to freehanded implant placement technique in clinically simulated model surgery. The study focused on overall accuracy...

Autores: Robert William Emery, Rossano Vinícius Dala Rosa Silva, Breno Monteiro Tavares, Ali Sheikh, Andre Alberto Camara Puppin,

messages.RevistaAutores: Dental implants, Data accuracy, Surgery, computer-assisted,

the best research articles of the four-month period

With the objec ve of discuss and present results of hot topics on aesthe c den stry, the Highlights sec ons has brought to you a few important and recent researchs published on the mainstream interna onal periodics, with the focus of this ed on being intracanal posts on endodon cally...

Autores: Rodolfo Bruniera Anchieta, Lucas Silveira Machado,


Bonding to composite resin, dentin, and composite-dentin interface, regarding restoration repair

This study evaluated the repair bond strength (RBS), contact angle (θ) and surface morphology of composite resin repairs on dentin (DE), composite resin (CR) and dentin-composite resin interface (DE-CR), after different surface treatments. Bovine incisors were used for RBS and θ tests; CR...

Autores: Rafael R. Moraes, Isabella S. Manso, Lisia L. Valente, Eliseu A. Münchow, Cristina P. Isolan, Fábio G. Lima,

messages.RevistaAutores: repair, Dental materials, Composite resin, Bond strength, Surface treatments,

“Once upon a time, ceramic veneers were so thin, so thin, but so thin... that some did not even have to exist.”

The title message represents much more than an irony. More profoundly, it is a critique to the obsessive quest for beauty, to the technicism still so prevalent in Dentistry, and especially to the exaggerations and overtreatments as a consequence from a saturated market. If, on the one hand, we...

Autores: Luis Felipe Jochims Schneider,


Self-perception of dental surgeons on color selection

Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the dental surgeons’ self-perception on color selection processes in Dentistry. Methods: The study followed a cross-sectional observational design using an electronic questionnaire with objective questions, to evaluate the influence of...

Autores: Vinícius Esteves Salgado, Rodrigo Costa Marques, Thais Rodrigues Campos Soares, Larissa Maria Cavalcante, Luis Felipe Schneider,

messages.RevistaAutores: Colorimetry, Visual perception, Color perception,

Ki - Clínica Conceito/Estética Dental by Hirata and Higashi

We asked the architect Letícia Kracik Breda to produce a project that would transmit the concept of a KI clinic to patients, combining aesthetics, art and design. Aesthetics and architecture were approached perennially, assigning great importance to the existing spaces, nature and natural...

Autores: Letícia Kracik Breda, Luciana Bacchi,


Test-drive Esthetics

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The LED light of Bluephase N meets the highest light-curing standards, as it covers a wide wavelength range and provides light intensity of 1,200 mW/ cm2. Thanks to its multiple innovative features, Bluephase N meets all the demands of daily practice.




Introduction: This is the third article of a series of six manuscripts about composite resins in the last 10 years. Since composite resin is widely used, the aim of this review was to analyze the relationship between different types of light-curing units (LCU) and the composition of several...

Autores: Paulo Vinicius Soares, Igor Oliveiros Cardoso, Amanda Ribeiro Wobido, Bruno Rodrigues Reis, Amanda Monise Dias Silva,

messages.RevistaAutores: Composite Resins, Degree of conversion, Light curing units, Photoactivation, Photoinitiators,

Habits of Modern Life: are we able to handle this outcome?

Today I bring a theme that has generated me uneasiness. Increasingly we are faced with young patients complaining of pains related to cervical dentin hypersensitivity, face and head muscular pains, dental wear not compatible with their ages and some type of discomfort in the temporomandibular...

Autores: Marcos Alexandre Fadanelli,


Simplifying anterior diastema closure with composite resin

Objective: In order to solve multiple diastemas, the present clinical case describes a classic technique with a modification, allowing professionals to appropriately achieve width proportions based on a modified wax-up, transposing with a higher degree of assertiveness what was planned in the...

Autores: Daniel Vargas, Giselle S. Almeida, Eduardo Vargas Da Silva, Eduardo Vargas, Felipe Vargas, André Maia, Dayse Amaral,

messages.RevistaAutores: diastema, Resin composite, Diagnoses,

Palatal and Mandibular Tori: diagnosis, clinical significance and conceptual basis

Palatal and mandibular tori are developmental disorders classified as morphological abnormalities of late palatal and mandibular growth and maturation. Familial cases and persistence in older and edentulous individuals suggest a genetic origin, which is just beginning to be unraveled. The...


messages.RevistaAutores: Torus, Palatal torus, Mandibular torus, Anomalies,

Is the path right?

We are approaching the date of one more meeting of the Brazilian Group of Professors of Restorative Dentistry. And, as is the case in all our Congresses, renowned professors will be attending it, bringing the most advanced knowledge about the themes that concern our specialty. In addition, there...

Autores: Marcos Barceleiro,


The hinterland that smiles

When I entered the School of Dentistry as an undergraduate, I never imagined the path I tread today. We are conditioned to be office dentists – the famous open your mouth, close your mouth. I look back and see how deficient my education was, not in technical aspects, but in making us better...

Autores: Felipe Augusto Rodrigues Rossi,


Pre-treatment protocols - POPsPA

The number of technical innovations keeps growing. Keeping up to date and dealing with so many options is difficult for a clinical dentist, who makes a living from the private office. There are few studies about the success of techniques associated with the use of productivity management...

Autores: Marco Antonio Guedes,


8 Instagram raw and naked

Let’s go for another edition of real life dentistry. Just like your routine, mine and many other colleagues are “ hard “, with many appointments, problems and daily achievements, always trying to do the best for our patients in all aspects.

Autores: Thiago Ottoboni,


Dr. Playbo

Please Dr, he complains about the aesthetics in his central incisor. I proposed 32 veneers in the “bianco lavandino” shade

Autores: Luis Felipe Jochims Schneider,


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